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Next time you experience what you would call a 'negative' emotion try this practice: Take a moment to pause, notice your breath and bring all your attention fully present into this moment. Become aware of sense perceptions, such as sounds, smells etc, and then notice the thoughts that are appearing in your mind. Don't try to stop or change the thoughts but just for this moment don't give any interest in whatever they're saying. Let go of the idea that anything needs to be fixed right now.
Then acknowledge the emotion that is present, and after acknowledging it take away its label. Notice that you didn't choose this experience, it is simply appearing by itself and let go of any personalization, resistance or attachment to the emotion. So you are simply observing it neutrally. You are the spacious, formless awareness in which the emotion is temporarily appearing. Let your attention rest as the untouched witness of the experience.
From here slowly and gently bring your attention more deeply into the body and adopt an attitude of open curiosity. Ask questions like, 'where is this emotion felt in my body? What is the actual sensation that's there?' Allow your attention to gently open to, include and consciously feel the sensations. Even if it feels uncomfortable stay with it and remind your body that you're safe and everything is ok right now. If resistance is present, acknowledge and allow that too.
If you notice that your attention gets pulled out of the body and back into streams of thought, the moment that you become aware of it simply notice and start the practice again. Don't beat yourself up about it if that happens, you're learning and this takes practice.
This is a clip from the open Zoom meeting on August 21st, 2022.
Get the full recording: https://shop.louisekay.net/p/open-zoom-august-14th-2022/
Louise Kay holds group events and retreats online and around the world.
For more details visit http://www.louisekay.net/