Whenever there's a feeling of frustration on the spiritual path it is inevitably accompanied by a desire to escape the present moment. The mind has an idea about how one's experience should be and the reality in this moment is different. The mind then seeks ways to change the experience of this moment and projects that a better, 'more spiritual' moment exists in the future. In order to transcend the perceived illusory problem of frustration one must disengage from the mind's commentary. That doesn't mean stopping or changing the mental narrative, but disidentifying from it. It means that you stop believing the story and see the story for what it is (the ego/mind generating unnecessary suffering). The attention must withdraw from mind content and abide as pure awareness. From here, uncomfortable sensations in the body are witnessed with gentle curiosity, consciously felt and surrendered to. With full acceptance of 'what is', frustration automatically dissolves because the very definition of frustration is contradictory to acceptance. It is a form of resistance. When you stop believing in the story of frustration, you (awareness) are instantly free.
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This is a clip from 9/01/2022 Open Zoom.
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