Join the next live guided meditation followed by Q&A: 7 Day Retreat in Colorado, USA - August 12 - 19: 7 Day Retreat in Andalucia, Spain - September 30 - October 07: Our bodies hold unprocessed emotions from painful past experiences that we weren't able to fully process in the moment. These unprocessed emotions are stored in the body as blocked energies and can feel like uncomfortable sensations, such as tightness, contractions and heaviness. If you meditate and practice presence, your system will begin to process these old emotions by bringing them up to the surface so that they can be consciously felt and release. At this point many people give up their practice, thinking that they're doing their meditation wrong. Remember: if you feel discomfort in your meditation then it's working! Follow this simple 5 step formula to heal the past emotions held in your body: 1. Totally disidentify from the story of 'me' and rest your attention as the witness of the experience. Observe any thoughts that appear but do not give any interest in their content. 2. Adopt an attitude of pure positivity. I'm grateful for this experience! 3. Gently enquire into where the emotion / sensation is felt in the body. 4. Consciously allow your body to totally and completely feel the sensation. Surrender FULLY to it. 5. Be unconditional with the process. Don't wait for the emotion to disappear, just hold it in pure unconditional love for as long as it remains and use the experience to deepen into presence. This is a clip from the open Zoom meeting on June 25th, 2023.
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