The experience of 'efforting' in one's spiritual practice is born from the conceptual self's ideas that something needs to be done in this moment. Such mental agendas often include stopping thoughts, being more present, getting enlightened etc. These ideas are in fact mere thoughts themselves and in order to let go of 'efforting', one must go beyond the level of thought.
Whenever there's a recognition that 'efforting' is happening, the key is to enquire in that moment, 'what story is the mind telling right now, about how I need to be doing, getting or becoming something?' and from there draw the attention back into that which aware of the thought and curiously enquire into the nature of that which is aware.
Pure awareness is beyond thoughts and concepts and therefore beyond agendas. It doesn't need to get, become or change anything, it simply IS. This pure awareness is the essence of who you are. When the attention continuously rests as pure awareness and there is no identification with any thought or mental concept it is possible to remain open, free and effortless in every single moment, regardless of any external or internal experience.
This is a clip from the Wales retreat, July 19th, 2022.
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