Very often what underlies addictive behaviors is unprocessed past emotion. In order to avoid feeling the pain of this trapped emotion, comfort is sought in experiences and substances. This coping mechanism can bring about a temporary sense of relief, but aside from not being a sustainable solution, it can have negative repercussions in many different areas of life, damaging health, relationships and ultimately keeping us from our natural state of happiness and well-being. By becoming consciously aware of the body's experience when an addictive behavioral impulse arises, it is possible to gently open to the uncomfortable emotion and by staying present with it and feeling it from a position of non-identification, these emotions can release and integrate. As a result of this practice, many unhealthy behaviors and addictive patterns fall away, resulting in more harmony, peace and happiness in all areas of life.
This is a clip from the Costa Rica retreat, November 4th, 2022.
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