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Lounge Room Chats

Seeking First the Kingdom of God and His Justice: Fr. P. Wolfe

24 min • 29 april 2023

 Among the many and manifold reasons for His Majesty’s Resurrection is God’s Justice and His Mercy. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that the Resurrection is “for the commendation of Divine Justice, to which it belongs to exalt them who humble themselves for God’s sake.” Justice, therefore, is a reason for the Resurrection. Recall that justice is simply giving to another what is rightfully theirs… what has been earned or agreed to by way of some contract. Our Lord humbled Himself even unto death … death on the Cross… and so He justly deserved to be raised up again. And since His humiliation was unto the depths… His Resurrection unto the heights of the Heaven of heavens. We might also think of it terms of a contract He entered into at the Incarnation. Having fulfilled its terms which were prophesied ahead of time (thus the reason He showed the disciples how Scripture was fulfilled), He then receives the agreed upon rewards… His own Resurrection, the establishment of His Kingdom (the Church) and the salvation of many many souls! 

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