In an old Novena prayer book put out by the Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood, one can find this appeal that expresses the grief of His Majesty over the lack of cooperation found among men. It was carved by an unknown sculptor into the walls of an old European Cathedral: Thou callest Me Master, yet heedest not Me. Thou callest Me Light, yet I shine not in thee. Thou callest Me Way, but dost follow Me not. Thou callest Me Life, yet My Name is forgot. Thou callest Me Truth, but playest a false role. Thou callest Me GUIDE, yet despisest control. Thou callest Me LOVING, withholding thy heart. Thou callest Me RICH, yet desirest no part. Thou callest Me GOOD, and yet evil thy ways. Thou callest Me ETERNAL, while wasting thy days. Thou callest Me NOBLE, yet draggest Me down. Thou callest Me MIGHTY, not fearing My frown. Thou callest Me JUST, Oh! if just then I be, when I shall condemn thee, reproach thou not ME.