This is your last chance to submit a response for the Zenikar Rising Cube Survey. Please take a few minutes to let us know what you’re testing in your cube from the new set so your voice can be part of our upcoming prospective article.
Andy and Anthony are dedicating an entire episode to discussing a brand new cube Anthony designed around a little tweak to Magic’s core rules. They kick things off with a pack 1, pick 1 from this very special cube and then review the results of their playtesting together. Topics of discussion include why Guild Globe is incredibly broken, how you can draw 17 cards on the first turn of the game, one cool trick to playing Black Lotus on a budget, Anthony delighting in Andy’s more miserable games, Andy and Anthony showering together with a very wet Archfiend of Ifnir, how difficult it is to design a cube that dramatically deviates from more well-worn cube design territory, the limits of tempo advantage, and the value of experimental environments.
You can find the hosts’ primary Cubes on Cube Cobra:
If you want us to do a pack 1, pick 1 from your cube on air send a link to your cube, your name, and pronouns to [email protected].
Musical production by DJ James Nasty.