Writer, occultist and all-purpose badass, Aidan Wachter https://www.aidanwachter.com/, joins Luxa https://linktr.ee/LuxaStrata once again for a conversation about his new book, Changeling, and much more. He offers some great insight and perspectives about being a magically operant person in our modern context, as well as some helpful advice about doing the difficult Work. There is also an update about what The Green Mushroom project has coming down the line and some lunar lyric for the full moon. Much Love.
For Full Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQnQ8usIcHDvYR2VJ4m6jpE2gKER_WnevlgWj3mTYvMrKwUbqXmnce-Q29MgzkGSArLBznxY8Z3Pmt6/pub
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Check out the Lux Occult YouTube Channel:
The Woodlands Show https://www.intothewoodlands.net/
Don't miss the We the Hallowed spring equinox streaming event- Hauntquinox on March 20, 2022 at 4PM EST (or check out a recording after the fact) https://youtu.be/o_5RCqfqNO0