Flood from Ex V Planis https://www.exvplanis.com joins Luxa https://linktr.ee/LuxaStrata for a fun and impromptu conversation about dark energy, dark matter, entropy, magic and more. Luxa shares thoughts about the Monroe Institute’s Hemi-Sync recordings and some of the work that went into the recent album of audio magic, Void/Machine: Adjustment, as well as books 10-15 from the 23:Bibliomancy project and a few tracks from FAFO pt. 2: The Green Mushroom Project https://greenmushroomproject.com/ and We the Hallowed https://wethehallowed.org/ digital mixtape! Much Gratitude, and Much Love.
Thank you for listening to the Lux Occult Podcast! If you’d like to support the show by helping Luxa buy books and curtail other costs, as well as taking a bibliomancy break, consider giving on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/luxoccult or Buy Me a Coffee.com for a one time donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/luxoccultpod?new=1
Fuck Around and Find Out Pt.2 The Green Mushroom Project and We the Hallowed Digital Mixtape https://wethehallowed.bandcamp.com/album/fuck-around-find-out-2-the-green-mushroom-project-and-we-the-hallowed-digital-mixtape?from=embed
We would love to hear from you! Please send your thoughts, questions, suggestions or arcane revelations to [email protected] or message on Instagram @luxoccultpod https://www.instagram.com/luxoccultpod/
Check out VOID/Machine: Adjustment by Luxa Strata ft Sally Fourth https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR1OOZ6M-lrYLMRxCzUjELrrh9QDrCwNBDKea9n75f07_oG8RXRctcJV3KOhjNBXuQG00fVZ0qGWq-j/pub
Find Lux Occult Hello Void T-shirts and more: https://www.etsy.com/shop/IlluminIndustries
Laughing Dog- dope graphic design: https://www.instagram.com/mirthandwoe/
Fuck Around and Find The Green Mushroom Project Zine now available for free digital download: https://greenmushroomproject.com/
Check out the Lux Occult YouTube Channel:
Check out all the awesome new projects the We the Hallowed folks have been putting out: https://wethehallowed.org/
Curious about steel mace flow? Check out Fourth Dimension Fitness:https://www.fourthdimensionfitness.com/
An essay about the creation of Kleidoukos: Experiments in Aural Sex by Luxa Strata https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQwUwjTbdlokjNu0dkabigTgm3XIGs5UaKTyGEAMk2bSjOD_N6CxR-hiJl9Wfi5d_uYm5A29PQUQXUU/pub
A video of a Supercut of the album: https://youtu.be/POLPCoBrTUQ