Michael M Hughes https://www.michaelmhughes.com/ joins Luxa https://linktr.ee/LuxaStrata to share about experiences surrounding the ritual he created to bind the reality TV star the US elected as president in 2016 and which ended up being propelled to viral fame, becoming the largest magical working in history. There’s some great stuff about the history of the Tarot and Micheal’s courses in the subject, with some debunking of popular myths (spoiler alert, it’s not from Ancient Egypt, but that doesn’t make it any less cool or interesting). Also explored are the intersections of the Trickster, the and the Magician archetypes, and what this might have to do with the stage magician, the “sacred trap” and more.
During a break Luxa shares about The Green Sphere https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQsi-sqCg1RgxZWbePZ7-boZ1k0Xknnpgbzof31_KNtfegkMgLXcqGK1pZQfNm4m35xmOXKhNPm_S3t/pub, a protection and healing ritual you can take part in on June 8th, 2024; as well as a few books from The Green Mushroom Hyphosigil Project’s 23:Bibliomancy scripture https://greenmushroomproject.com/category/23bibliomancy/, Mushroom updates, listener mail and more! Much Love.
Find Micheal M. Hughes Tarot courses at https://www.theartofmagicalliving.com/
For Full Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQKXnALo5UAUxLjnvyIMNUrF0MYij3ZKNrk6XvRg7qcjVc2dpcW_vGla6TAMmlZRpnv5Xm2iuUZusLz/pub
Thanks for listening to the Lux Occult Podcast! Support the show by helping Luxa buy books and curtail other costs, as well as taking a bibliomancy break by giving on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/luxoccult or Buy Me a Coffee.com for a one time donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/luxoccultpod?new=1
We would love to hear from you! Please send your thoughts, questions, suggestions or arcane revelations to [email protected] or message on Instagram @luxoccultpod https://www.instagram.com/luxoccultpod/
This episode features tracks from “Fuck Around and Find Out pt. 2”, the We the Hallowed and Green Mushroom Project digital mixtape. Big thanks to the following creators, and to everyone who contributed to the project. Check out the entire mix here! https://wethehallowed.bandcamp.com/album/fuck-around-find-out-2-the-green-mushroom-project-and-we-the-hallowed-digital-mixtape?from=embed
Reality Tunnels: by GNYVE https://wethehallowed.bandcamp.com/track/reality-tunnels-by-gnyve
Companion Episodes of Lux Occult:
10. Ritual, Performance and Theatre with Dr. Rob C. Thompson from Occult Confessions and The Dark Pool https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/luxa-strata/episodes/10--Ritual--Performance-and-Theatre-with-Dr--Rob-C--Thompson-from-Occult-Confessions-and-The-Dark-Pool-embqem
12. Dirt Sorcery, Hypersigils, and Claiming Your Power with Aidan Wachter https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/luxa-strata/episodes/12--Dirt-Sorcery--Hypersigils--and-Claiming-Your-Power-with-Aidan-Wachter-enavk0
27. Conspiracy Thought and the "Occult Conspiracy" with Dr. Rob C. Thompson https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/luxa-strata/episodes/27--Conspiracy-Thought-and-the-Occult-Conspiracy-with-Dr--Rob-C--Thompson-e141qeb
75. Psychoanalysis and the Cut-up Technique w/ Dr. Vanessa Sinclair & Anonymous Agnostic Antichrists w/ Derek Hunter