Have you ever noticed your Mac tells you Catalina uses up 5 volumes? How about encrypting specific files and folders? And what about that cable modem password…should you change it? These are just a few of the questions answered.
This episode is chock full of everything you love: Quick Tips, Cool Stuff Found, and yes, answers to your questions! Send yours in to feedback@macgeekgab.com, and now press play to listen and learn at least five new things.Note: Shownotes are complete!
Chapters/Timestamps/Stuff mentioned:
- 00:00:00 Mac Geek Gab 819 for Monday, June 15, 2020
- 00:02:42 Scott-QT-Make your Mac’s Mouse Pointer Larger (System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Cursor Size)
- 00:04:31 Ben-QT-Keyboard Shortcut for Moving Files in Finder (Cmd-Opt-V)
- 00:06:11 Dan-QT-Apple TV Bandwidth Tip
- 00:09:11 Alex-Ctrl-Scroll to Zoom the Whole Screen
- 00:10:09 Paul-QT-Add a “text me” response to calls (Settings > Phone > Respond with Text)
- 00:12:11 Ben-QT-macOS Messages Workarounds (Start Message to Contact to See Thread)
- 00:14:09 Todd-QT-Setup your iPhone for when it’s lost! – Way cool story! (Siri, Call My Home)
- 00:16:13 MGG’s Fifteenth Birthday!
- 00:19:29 Donna-QT-Choose a Wi-Fi Network on your Apple Watch (Settings > Wi-Fi > Choose Network)
- 00:23:33 New Battery Health Management in macOS 10.15.5
- 00:30:38 Brian-CSF-818-GC-AirFoil Satellite receives AirPlay (and more) on your Mac
- 00:32:52 Jamie-CSF-818-AirServer to AirPlay to Your Mac
- 00:34:32 Jon-818-Watch Unlock and AirPlaying to Your Mac
- 00:36:12 SPONSOR: ExpressVPN – Surf with TrustedServer, Speed, and HD quality using ExpressVPN.com/MGG
- 00:38:15 SPONSOR: DEVONtechnologies: Where did you put your evil genius master plan? DEVONthink knows. Get organized for 10% off at www.devontechnologies.com/mgg
- 00:40:03 SPONSOR: AncestryDNA. Discover your untold stories and more. Visit Ancestry.com/MGG and start discovering your story today.
- 00:42:14 Alan-How to encrypt files and folders?
- 00:46:41 Mark-Why Five Catalina Volumes?
- 00:52:50 Bob-Can’t Hide .app Extension on Apps?
- 00:55:33 Donna-Should I Change My Cable Modem Password?
- 01:00:58 Rich-Wi-Fi Radios vs. Antennas
- 01:05:50 Mark-Mac Photo Sharing
- 01:13:21 Craig-Foolproof Migration to New Mac
- 01:18:51 CSF-Matterport for iPhone
- 01:22:37 CSF-Shure Aonic 50 Headphones and ShurePlus Play app
- 01:24:24 MGG 819 Outtro