Starting with some of the best Quick Tips we've ever shared, your two favorite geeks roar through topics including measuring current, USB-C Flash Drives, solving Mail issues on iPhone, dissecting local storage usage, and much more. Press play and learn five new things with Dave and John.
Chapters/Timestamps/Stuff mentioned:
- We’ve Got The Power (Information)
- 00:33:17 SPONSOR: Upstart. Whether it’s paying off credit cards, consolidating high-interest debt, or funding personal expenses, Upstart looks at more than your credit score and can offer you smarter rates with trusted partners. Visit today to learn more.
- 00:34:52 SPONSOR: BBEdit, the power tool for text from Bare Bones Software is now ready for Big Sur and M1-powered Macs!
- Your Questions Answered and Tips Shared!
- 00:37:03 Brett-Window Randomly Moves to Cursor
- 00:44:20 Brian-iPhone Won’t Use Third-Party Mail Client as Default
- 00:47:10 Stelios-GC-Weather Radar on CarPlay App
- 00:50:17 Craig-Non-Apple Devices in my Device List
- 00:54:21 Andrew-What’s Taking Up all My Local iCloud Storage?
du -sh ~/Library/Mobile Documents/* | sort -rn | less
- ^^ Thanks to listener Tony for the update here!
- 00:59:19 Kirit-Use Synology to Sync to Dropbox, Box, and more
- 01:05:13 Niall-External Drive Formatting Recognition Disparity
- 01:11:21 Andrew-Can you run Windows on an M1 Mac?
- 01:13:25 MGG 889 Outtro