Want to learn the big secret to keeping your computer happy? How about how to share contacts? What about some quick tips about using calendar? This is what Mac Geek Gab is all about, and Dave and John help guide you through all of this, including getting your questions answered!Note: Shownotes are complete!
Chapters/Timestamps/Stuff mentioned:
- 00:00:00 Mac Geek Gab 751 for Monday, March 4, 2019
- 00:02:04 Office-Building-Shaped Icy Death Pool
- 00:05:41 SPONSOR: BBEdit from Bare Bones. 25 Years and going as Dave and John’s favorite text editor.
- 00:08:25 Nick-Battery Concerns with Docked Macs (3rd PP)
- 00:16:54 Irv-Sharing Contacts
- File | Export | Contacts Archive…
- File | Import
- 00:23:53 Creating a developer account user
- 00:27:09 Brian-GC-App with Quick Text Notes
- 00:30:35 Mike-Bandwidth Usage app for Mac
- 00:37:58 SPONSOR: LinkedIn Jobs. Go to LinkedIn.com/MGG and get $50 OFF toward your first job post!
- 00:41:17 Ben-QT-Move one day at a time
- 00:42:27 Mark-CrashPlan limits restores to 250MB at a time
- 00:46:12 Mark-Best advice: quit apps
- 00:49:45 Chit Chat Across The Pond with Dave Hamilton
- 00:50:19 Rand-Check your Keychain Inactivity Lock Settings
- 00:53:32 Loren-Use Adobe Acrobat Document Cloud for Free PDF Storage
- 00:55:26 Jeff-750-Copy Folder Structure without Contents
- 00:56:49 SPONSOR: TextExpander: TextExpander helps you communicate smarter. Create snippets for things you type – or copy and paste – all the time. Get 20% off your first year’s subscription at TextExpander.com/podcast.
- 00:59:51 Scott-750-Use Email addresses for SMS Blasts (h/t Roger)
- 01:04:58 Chris-750-Use Call-Em-All for SMS Blasts
- 01:06:38 Carl-750-Bulk SMS with Remind.com
- 01:07:21 This Week’s MGG Premium Supporters:
- EvTheNerd from California, Elizabeth from Virginia, Robert from Florida, Steven from California, Ward from Arizona, Olga from Washington, Jason from Massachusetts, Stephen from Illinois, Nick from Michigan, Kenneth from New South Wales, Randall from Portland, Ric S., Jonathan C., Bartek from London, Erik from Trondheim, Jim from California, Robb from Minnesota, Randall S., Bruce from Colorado, Robert from Arizona, Matt from Virginia, Daniel from London, Jeff S., Doug S., Brian from Tennessee, Anthony from New South Wales
- 01:09:07 Jon-750-Tip for Temporary MAC Cloning
sudo ifconfig [interface] ether [MAC OF OTHER DEVICE]
- 01:12:42 Stephan-750-Print Multiple Documents from the Finder
- 01:13:48 Ward-750-Even easier multi-file printing shortcut (h/t Nick)
- 01:15:15 The Post
- 01:17:15 MGG 750 Outtro
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