Answers to your questions about USB (including USB 4!), apps not launching in Ventura, the longevity of M1 Macs, formatting external drives, and filtering Mail are all here, courtesy of your three favorite geeks.
John, Pete, and Dave also take you through a slew of Quick Tips about Notes, Contacts, VPNs, and playing Atmos Apple Music in your living room.
Press play and you’re guaranteed to learn at least five new things or your money back!
Chapters/Timestamps/Stuff mentioned:
- 00:00:00 Mac Geek Gab 964 for Monday, January 16, 2023
- Quick Tips
- Sponsors
- Your Questions Answered and Tips Shared!
- 00:18:53 USB 4 Clarifications
- 00:24:17 Richard-Extending USB on iMac 2017
- 00:35:41 946–Reset security settings for all apps with `sudo tccutil reset All` and deleting the TCC.db file in Recovery Mode Terminal
- 00:41:01 Ventura is FUBAR?
- 00:42:53 Randy-How Much Longevity does the M1 Have with Apple?
- 00:51:40 Extending AppleCare
- 00:57:43 Podcast: This Week In Tech: Every week, This Week in Tech gives you a no-holds-barred, deep dive into how big tech influences our culture and our lives.
- 00:58:20 Jeff-Should I use APFS on External SSDs?
- 01:06:03 Joe-Best Way to Always Filter Mail Messages?
- 01:15:20 FileVault or not?
- 01:17:25 Mac Geek Gab 964 Outtro