David and Katie catch up on listener feedback and talk about Dropbox hacks, syncing, audio and video tricks, archiving files, writing workflows and more.
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Links and Show Notes:
Links for this episode:
- 70Decibels -We're Moving To 5by5!
- Powering Down Google Reader
- Dropbox
- Send to Dropbox | Email + Dropbox
Ever wish you could email files to your Dropbox? Well now you can! It's free, fast, secure and super simple too. All you have to do is connect with Dropbox, get your unique email address, and start sending files!
- Keyboard Shortcut for "Save as PDF..." in OS X — MacSparky
MacSparky's ? + PP PDF Trick
- Noodlesoft | Hazel
- Printopia
Run Printopia on your Mac to share its printers to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Add unlimited virtual printers to save print-outs to your Mac as PDF files.
- Evernote
- OmniFocus for Mac
- OmniFocus Mail Drop
Mail Drop is a new feature of the Omni Sync Server that lets you send emails directly into your OmniFocus Inbox. You can create multiple private send-to addresses in order to give access to third parties, and delete those addresses at any time.
- The OmniFocus Mail Drop — MacSparky
MacSparky on the OmniFocus MailDrop
- OmniPresence
OmniPresence is the best way to sync all of your documents across all of your devices. And it works on most web hosts, including OS X Server, which means you can store all of your data yourself.
- OmniOutliner for Mac
- Synology Network Attached Storage
Synology NAS has many additional features, such as media streaming, remote access, personal cloud hosting, and much more
- Apple - OS X Server
- Chrome for Mobile
- Xmarks
Bookmark backup and syncing
- Pinboard: social bookmarking for introverts
Pinboard is a fast, no-nonsense bookmarking site
- Pocket (Formerly Read It Later)
- Instapaper
A simple tool to save web pages for reading later.
Put the internet to work for you.
- The next generation of Instapaper – Marco.org
I’m happy to announce that I’ve sold a majority stake in Instapaper to Betaworks. We’ve structured the deal with Instapaper’s health and longevity as the top priority, with incentives to keep it going well into the future. I will continue advising the project indefinitely, while Betaworks will take over its operations, expand its staff, and develop it further.
- Captio for iPhone - Boonbits
It's simple. Open Captio and start typing. When you're done, hit Send. The note is immediately delivered to your email inbox.
- Launch Center Pro
Launch Center Pro creates lightning quick shortcuts to specific features buried deep within apps.
- 5by5 | Mac Power Users #136: iOS Automation
David and Katie talk about their favorite apps and tools for automating tasks on iOS
- Drafts
Launch Drafts and start typing. It’s that simple. No upfront decisions about titles, filenames or folders. Return to drafts later, and a new draft is ready.
- Put Your Mac to Sleep with iOS Drafts — MacSparky
- QR code - Wikipedia
- RedLaser
- Reflector.app
AirPlay mirror your iPhone 4S, iPad 2 or the new iPad to any Mac or PC, wirelessly.
- Instacast 3
- Downcast
- AirServer
An AirPlay receiver for Mac/PC. It allows you to receive AirPlay feeds, similar to an Apple TV, so you can stream content or Mirror your display from your iOS devices or Mountain Lion.
- Airfoil
Send any audio, all around your house
- TextExpander
Type more with less effort! TextExpander saves your fingers and your keyboard, expanding custom keyboard shortcuts into frequently-used text and pictures...
- iTunes: Understanding iTunes Media Organization
- 5by5 | Mac Power Users #120: Taking Notes with Mike Rohde
David and Katie are joined by Mike Rohde, author of the Sketchnote Handbook, to talk about analog and digital forms of note taking.
- Notebooks
The only notebook you need on your iPhone, iPad, Mac and PC.
- Byword (Mac App Store)
- Byword for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
- Circus Ponies NoteBook for iPad on the iTunes App Store
Take notes with ease no matter your note-taking style: NoteBook combines free-form note taking, outlining, sketching, diagramming, PDF mark-up, and more to create the ultimate note taking environment. Plus, NoteBook's voice annotation system records the person speaking as you type your notes, so you'll never miss an important comment, assignment, or action item.
- Penultimate | Evernote
Penultimate is the original and easiest-to-use handwriting app for iPad that combines the natural experience of pen and paper with the flexibility and syncing of Evernote. Lose the paper, keep the handwriting, and remember everything.
- Macs In Law Offices (MILO) - Google Groups
- Day One | A simple Journal for iPhone, iPad and Mac App Store
- vJournal For Evernote
Journal turns Evernote into diary storage
- The Sketchnote Typeface
- The Sketchnote Handbook Video Edition: the illustrated guide to visual note taking (includes The Sketchnote Handbook book and access to The Sketchnote Handbook Video): Mike Rohde: 9780321885111: Amazon.com: Books
- Drobo: Small Box | Big Storage
- Backing up and Drobo — KatieFloyd.me
- Online Data Backup - Offsite, Onsite, & Cloud - CrashPlan Backup Software
- ChronoSync
With ChronoSync on your Mac, you can synchronize, backup, and create bootable backups. ChronoSync can synchronize or backup to almost anything you can connect to your Mac.
- Jump Desktop
Jump Desktop is a remote desktop app that lets you securely connect to any computer in the world.
- 5by5 | Mac Power Users #75: Remote Access
David and Katie cover solutions for controlling Macs and PCs remotely with Macs, iPads, and iPhones.
- 5by5 | Mac Power Users #130: Computing with Kids
David and Katie are joined by Natali Morris to talk about kids and technology. Topics include why it's important to introduce kids to tech, keeping children safe online, monitoring and limiting access and Natali's favorite apps and accessories.
- Treadmill Desks And The Benefits Of 'Walking Alive' : NPR
- Evernote Essentials
Evernote Essentials is the definitive guide for people getting started with Evernote.
- Learning To Love Evernote
Have you always wanted to love Evernote, but never really got it? I completely understand! I was in your same place for 4 years, but just recently saw the light. I want to share with you how I learned to love Evernote!
- Secrets
Secrets lets you customize many Mac OS settings that are hidden or incomplete.
- TimeMachineEditor
TimeMachineEditor is a software for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion that lets you change the default one-hour backup interval of Time Machine.
- BetterTouchTool
- Moom · Many Tricks
Do you spend a lot of time moving and zooming windows, so you can better see and work with all the content on your Mac? Instead of doing that work yourself, let Moom handle the task for you.