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Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Learn about important topics in equine nutrition, health and welfare as we discuss science-backed feeding and management strategies to support your horse’s well-being.
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Thrush describes an infection that develops in the frog of one or more of the horse’s hooves, caused by a fungal or bacterial pathogen.
Hooves with frogs that have deep sulci are prone to becoming infected with pathogens that cause thrush. Wet and dirty environments contribute to the development of this infection as thrush-causing pathogens flourish under these conditions.
Typical signs of a thrush infection include hoof tenderness and a foul-smelling discharge from the hoof. Prompt treatment is necessary to stop the spread of the infection.
Management strategies to prevent thrush and support recovery aim at keeping the horse’s living environment clean.
This podcast reviews the causes, signs and treatment of thrush in horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.ca/thrush-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis (DSLD) is a chronic condition in horses that affects connective tissue, including the suspensory ligament and other ligaments and tendons. This painful condition commonly leads to debilitating lameness.
In horses with DSLD, the suspensory ligament progressively weakens causing hyperextension of the fetlock, hock, and stifle.
The precise causes and mechanisms of DSLD are still an active area of research.
Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for DSLD and there are no reliable measures to slow disease progression. Supportive care including corrective shoeing, controlled exercise plans and pain relief can help lessen symptoms.
This podcast reviews DSLD, its causes, signs and symptoms and best management practices.
Read more: https://madbarn.ca/degenerative-suspensory-ligament-desmitis-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Riding and working with horses poses some inherent risk of danger, but the risk is greater when working with an aggressive or moody horse.
For this reason, horse owners often look to calming supplements to help make their horse more manageable and easier to train.
Calming remedies are also used during stressful situations such as trailering, showing, farrier work, and veterinary visits.
Despite their popularity, calming supplements may be one of the least studied supplement categories in horses. Behaviour can be hard to quantify which makes it a difficult topic for researchers to study.
In this podcast, we evaluate the mechanisms, bioavailability, safety and efficacy of some of the most popular calming horse supplements available on the market today. We also rate the ingredients on the strength of the research evidence in horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.ca/calming-supplements-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Swayback, or equine lordosis, is characterized by a large dip in the spine of a horse, often resulting in a high wither and severe downwards curve to their topline.
Swayback is more common in older horses and broodmares who have carried multiple large babies. Lordosis can also occur in younger horses with a genetic predisposition.
Equine lordosis is caused by a failure of the ligament support structures along the length of the back. When the ligaments are weak, stretched, or compromised, the spine can sag toward the ground.
Although shocking in appearance, equine lordosis does not usually mean a horse must be retired from all ridden work. With good management, these horses can remain sound and pain-free through their ridden career.
Swayback horses require appropriate conditioning to strengthen their topline muscles. Special consideration must also be given to ensure proper saddle fit.
This podcast reviews the causes and management considerations for swayback horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.ca/swayback-horse/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
A large, round belly doesn’t always mean your horse is overweight. Some horses have a hay belly that makes them appear pregnant, yet they may struggle to maintain enough body condition to cover their ribs.
While multiple factors contribute to abdominal distention in horses, poor hindgut fermentation of high-fibre, low-quality forage is the primary culprit.
These horses may not be getting enough energy and protein from their diet, leading to poor topline and body condition. Dietary changes or gut support are necessary to get rid of the hay belly.
This podcast will review the causes of hay belly in horses and discuss how a balanced feeding program can prevent it.
Read more: https://madbarn.ca/hay-belly-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Soy is a common ingredient in many equine feeds. Different parts of the soybean can be used to provide protein, energy, and fiber in your horse’s diet.
Soybeans are popular because of their versatility and affordability. Soy oil is a palatable fat source for horses who require additional calories.
Soybean meal and roasted soybeans also have a superior amino acid profile compared to other commonly fed protein sources. This makes soy a desirable addition to the high-protein diets required by lactating and growing horses.
However, there is a concern in the horse community about whether soy products are harmful. If you are concerned about your horse’s soy consumption, listen to this podcast.
Read more: https://madbarn.ca/soy-in-horse-feeds/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Your farrier and veterinarian will definitely agree that issues with your horse’s hooves can compromise the entire function of your horse.
Hoof problems not only cause your horse pain and affect the weight-bearing ability of the foot but also lead to compensatory movements, which can cause issues and injuries in other parts of the body.
Corrective shoeing is a common way to address or reduce the effects of many hoof issues.
From navicular syndrome to laminitis to tendon and ligament injuries, appropriate corrective shoeing done by a qualified farrier can reduce pain and increase the likelihood of your horse continuing to move their best.
Choosing the right type of corrective horseshoes when required is important for keeping your horse sound in their work, and in the pasture as well.
This podcast reviews the types of corrective shoes and when to use them.
Read more: https://madbarn.ca/corrective-shoeing-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Chasteberry is an herbal supplement that is used to support mood balance and hormone health in female and male horses.
The Chastetree berry (Vitex agnus-castus) plant is a shrub that grows in the Mediterranean and parts of Asia. The fruits and leaves contain active ingredients that influence hormonal balance in horses.
This herb is purported to support hypothalamus and pituitary function in horses with Cushing’s disease/PPID. Anecdotally, chasteberry is said to help make moody mares easier to handle and may have a calming effect on aggressive stallions or geldings.
Chasteberry is safe to use, with no reported side effects in horses. It is not recommended for pregnant mares because of potential effects on the reproductive system which have not been evaluated in pregnant animals.
This podcast reviews the benefits of chasteberry for horses and highlights its mechanism of action.
Read more: https://madbarn.ca/chasteberry-benefits-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Canola oil is a calorie-dense fat commonly used in the equine diet to promote weight gain and help maintain body condition.
This oil provides cool energy for performance horses and can replace grain-based feeds in your horse’s ration to support metabolic health. Feeding fat also improves coat quality and can support gut health.
Compared to other oils, canola oil is relatively affordable and widely available. However, some horse owners might not want to feed this oil due to its fatty acid profile.
Canola oil is primarily comprised of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and contains more than twice the amount of omega-6 fatty acids compared to omega-3 fatty acids.
The balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in the diet is important because omega-3s are converted into anti-inflammatory molecules, whereas omega-6s are converted primarily into pro-inflammatory compounds.
This podcast reviews benefits of canola oil for horses with an emphasis on weight gain.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/canola-oil-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Botflies (Gasterophilus spp) are parasitic flies that affect the horse’s digestive tract and can cause negative health consequences.
Botflies lay eggs on the horse’s coat in the summer. Some of these eggs, known as horse bots, are ingested as the horse licks and grooms itself.
The bot eggs hatch and the larvae develop in the horse’s mouth before migrating to the stomach where they attach to the gastric mucosa.
Once mature, they detach and are passed through the manure. They pupate into flies, and the cycle repeats with new botflies seeking out horses to host their eggs.
Prevention and treatment of bot invasion are essential to keeping your horse healthy. If you suspect that your horse is affected by botflies, consult with your veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment options.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/botflies-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Supplements targeting joint health are some of the most sought-after dietary supplements for horses, especially due to the high prevalence of joint injuries and deterioration later in life.
But which equine joint supplements actually work and which are all hype? Many of the ingredients often touted for improving joint health have limited research in horses.
And some of the most popular supplements believed to work have been demonstrated ineffective when actually studied in equine populations. (You may be surprised by which ingredients DON’T work.)
That being said, there are some compounds that have been well-researched in horses and demonstrate efficacy for improving metrics of joint comfort, health and function.
In this podcast, we will review the research behind 8 of the most popular joint supplements for horses and help you decide which are worth your money and which should be avoided.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/best-joint-supplements-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
The type and amount of bedding you use for horses affects more than just how long it takes you to clean his stall. Bedding adds cushion to the floor of your horse’s living space, absorbs moisture, and helps control odours that could harm your horse’s respiratory health.
Bedding depth also influences resting behaviours. Good bedding materials provide enough cushion for horses to lie down and are easy for care staff to keep clean.
Different materials have unique advantages and disadvantages. Selecting the best bedding for your horse will depend on budget, housing situation, health needs, and the available materials in your location.
This podcast will discuss the benefits of bedding and review common types of bedding materials used for horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/best-bedding-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Antibiotics or antimicrobial drugs are effective medications for the treatment of bacterial infections in horses.
Common equine infections requiring antibiotics include infected skin wounds and abscesses, pneumonia, infectious diarrhea, cellulitis, peritonitis and more.
Many antibiotics have broad-spectrum action meaning they act against many different bacteria. Others more specifically target certain bacterial strains. Your veterinarian can determine which antibiotic is appropriate for your horse given their medical situation.
These drugs are not without risks, and they can have adverse effects on horse health when given without veterinary oversight.
As a horse owner, it is important to understand how antibiotics work, when they should be used and how to properly administer them to your horse.
This podcast will review antibiotic use in horses, types of equine antibiotics, and how to limit the associated risks for your horse.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/antibiotics-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is a medicinal plant that is frequently used to soothe skin irritations. The gel of the inner leaf is also commonly fed to reduce or prevent gastric irritations and ulcers in horses.
Aloe vera gel contains several active ingredients with anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial effects. This herbal remedy also stimulates mucous production and influences gastric acid production.
Although commonly fed to horses as an anti-ulcer agent, there has only been one study to examine the effects of aloe vera effects on horses with gastric ulcers. High doses of aloe powder were shown to improve gastric ulcer severity but not to the same extent as the FDA-approved drug GastroGuard (omeprazole).
This podcast reviews the current state of knowledge on the use of aloe vera for gastric ulcers in horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/aloe-vera-for-horses-with-ulcers/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Alfalfa is a popular forage choice for horses and an ingredient in many equine feeds. This legume forage can be processed and preserved in many different ways to make it easier to incorporate into the diet.
Alfalfa is nutrient-dense and is an excellent source of energy, protein and minerals in the equine diet. It is also typically low in non-structural carbohydrate content.
This makes it a valuable roughage to include in the diets of pregnant and lactating mares, mature performance horses, or other horses requiring protein supplementation.
However, some horse owners hesitate to feed alfalfa due to concerns about its safety. If you are considering adding alfalfa to your horse’s diet, and want to know if it is a good choice, then this podcast is for you.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/alfalfa-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
A proper grooming routine involves more than just knocking the dirt off your horse’s coat before tacking up.
A well-groomed horse is a well-cared-for horse. Learning to groom your horse correctly and following a thorough daily grooming routine can significantly benefit their health and well-being.
Horse owners can also use this time to bond with their horses and check for signs of health problems that might need attention. But if you’re new to caring for a horse, you might not know where to start.
Even if you’re an experienced equestrian, this guide from a former professional groom can help you up your grooming game. While there are plenty of grooming tips and tricks, there are no shortcuts to a well-groomed horse.
This podcast will also discuss the the tools every horse owner needs in their grooming kit. Keep reading to learn how to keep your horse happy and healthy with a comprehensive, step-by-step grooming guide.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/how-to-groom-a-horse/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
A strong hoof is the foundation of a sound horse. When it comes to proper hoof care, it’s all about balance.
All horses need regular farrier care, and working with an experienced farrier is one of the best investments you can make in your horse’s soundness.
Maintaining correct hoof balance with regular trimming and shoeing by a qualified farrier prevents overloading structures in the limb and allows the hoof to function optimally.
A collaborative approach between your veterinarian, your equine nutritionist, and your farrier is the best way to optimize your horse’s hoof health.
This podcast will review everything horse owners need to know about proper farrier care for horses. We will also discuss how hoof balance, trimming, and shoeing influence your horse’s health and performance, as well as discuss the recent trend toward barefoot trimming.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/farrier-care-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Modern domestic horses have very different lifestyles than their wild ancestors. While keeping horses in stalls is convenient for humans, confinement can be detrimental for animals who evolved to graze and walk throughout the day.
Turning horses out to pasture provides freedom of movement in a controlled outdoor environment. Regular turnout can improve your horse’s mental and physical health, even if your horse already gets frequent exercise under saddle.
While turnout involves some risk of injury, greater turnout time generally provides more benefits for equine welfare. However, the best turnout schedule for your horse will vary depending on their unique needs and preferences.
This podcast will review everything horse owners need to know about turning out their horses, including the benefits of turnout and how to keep horses safe in the field.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/turnout-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Grazing muzzles are a staple in the tack room of many pony and horse owners. These muzzles fit over the mouth and nose of a horse and restrict grass intake while allowing access to pasture.
Grazing muzzles have been shown to reduce dry matter intake by between 30 – 80%. These devices can help prevent laminitis and obesity in horses or ponies by decreasing calorie and sugar intake.
If your horse is over-conditioned and needs to lose weight, using a muzzle while on pasture will help you manage your horse’s weight without needing to isolate them to a stall or dry lot.
Grazing muzzles allow the horse to be turned out in a herd, enabling social interaction and providing more space to move around. These devices are safe when used properly and have not been shown to cause psychological or physiological stress in horses or ponies.
This podcast reviews how and when to use a grazing muzzle.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/grazing-muzzles-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
How much water does your horse need to drink every day to stay healthy and how much do water requirements increase in hot conditions or when working?
Ensuring adequate water intake is important for the optimal health and well-being of all horses. Some horses are more susceptible to becoming dehydrated and have a higher need for water.
A typical, idle 500 kg horse requires at least 25 litres (6.6 US gallons) of water per day.
In hot weather, horses may require 55 litres (15 US gallons) per day and they may need anywhere from 40 – 70 litres (10 – 18 gallons) per day when exercising.
Even if you give your horse constant access to fresh, clean water, horses will not always drink enough water to avoid dehydration.
In particular, water intake should be intentionally encouraged in exercising horses, lactating mares, and horses with gastrointestinal issues, and during both hot and cold weather.
This podcast discusses why adequate water intake is important, the factors that can affect water intake, how to assess dehydration, and how to encourage water consumption in horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/how-much-water-should-horses-drink/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Equine osteoarthritis is a common condition in the aging horse.
Osteoarthritis (also known as Degenerative Joint Disease) involves joint inflammation and progressive degeneration of the cartilage lining. It also involves changes in the bone and soft tissues of the joint.
Arthritis is thought to affect more than half of all horses over the age of 15. It is also the leading cause of lameness in horses.
Horses engaged in high-intensity exercise, such as racing, may develop osteoarthritis at an earlier age due to wear-and-tear.
There is no cure for arthritis, but with proper management, many horses can continue to live comfortably and maintain a good level of fitness.
A balanced feeding program that provides anti-inflammatory nutrients can help to support healthy joints. In addition, modified exercise routines, medications and therapeutic bodywork can also manage arthritic pain in your horse.
This podcast reviews arthritis symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and nutritional considerations.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/how-to-manage-arthritis-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Horses are prone to hoof cracks for various reasons. Cracks can lead to the hoof chipping away in certain areas.
Cracks can be a cosmetic problem that can be easily corrected, but sometimes, they indicate something more serious is happening within the hoof.
Hoof cracks are usually described by their location, length (partial or full), and the presence or absence of bleeding and/or infection. In many cases, the underlying hoof damage is considerably more extensive than what is seen from the outside.
This podcast features details on hoof anatomy, summarizes the main causes and types of hoof cracks and highlights the most effective treatments.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/hoof-cracks-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Horses may not require as much sleep as humans, but quality sleep is still vital for your equine’s overall health and well-being.
Although horses can sleep standing up thanks to their unique stay apparatus, REM sleep is only possible when they are lying down, and their muscles can relax.
Many factors can prevent a horse from getting enough quality sleep and lead to signs of sleep deprivation. Factors include pain, injury, health conditions, loud or bright barn environments, and even social hierarchy.
While equine sleep disorders are still poorly understood, horse owners should be aware of the signs of sleep deprivation in horses and take action to improve their horse’s sleep quality.
This podcast will review the current science on equine sleep patterns and the consequences, signs, and treatment of sleep deprivation in horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/sleep-deprivation-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Tying-up in horses is a colloquial term for Exertional Rhabdomyolysis, a condition involving exercise-related muscle cramping and damage.
Some horses experience a single episode of tying up whereas others experience recurrent tying-up. During an episode, the affected horse becomes stiff and reluctant to move. Your horse may only taking short, shuffled steps.
In severe cases, a horse displays signs of distress including pawing at the ground, excessive sweating, and quick, shallow breathing due to the pain associated with this condition.
Tying-up episodes should be taken seriously. If your horse is displaying signs, a veterinarian should be contacted immediately. The veterinarian can help identify whether this is a sporadic case or whether your horse is genetically susceptible to recurrent tying-up episodes.
This podcast reviews the types, symptoms, causes and management.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/tying-up-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Horses can experience a number of different dental issues over their lifetime, impacting their ability to chew and digest their feed.
Unaddressed dental issues can affect your horse’s health, condition, behaviour and performance. This is why it’s important to have your horse’s teeth checked by an experienced veterinarian or equine dentist on a regular basis.
Dental problems are the third most common medical problem seen in large animal practices in the U.S.
Unfortunately, postmortem studies show high levels of clinically significant, undiagnosed dental disorders in horses. This means that many horses are not getting the dental care they need.
In this podcast, we will discuss some of the common dental issues facing horses and signs of teeth problems and their treatment.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/dental-issues-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Dehydration is a serious problem in competing and working horses, especially during hot weather. Horses are very sweaty animals and can quickly become dehydrated.
Horses competing in endurance racing or engaging in sustained heavy exercise are at the highest risk of dehydration.
Dehydration occurs when your horse loses excessive fluids from sweat, urine, feces, and respiration. If your horse does not drink enough to offset the fluid loss, she can become dehydrated.
The most common signs of dehydration are poor performance, loss of skin elasticity, weakness and increased respiratory rate. Dehydration also increases the risk of heat stroke, tying-up and slow exercise recovery.
Knowing the signs of dehydration and how to help keep your horse hydrated is important for every horse owner.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/dehydration-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Colic is one of the most feared conditions within the equine community. As many horse owners know, colic is an unpredictable, painful, and sometimes fatal condition.
Colic refers to abdominal pain in horses that can lead to potentially serious health complications. Cases of colic may present as mild and be resolved in less than 24 hours with or without veterinary treatment. Colic can also be more severe, requiring emergency surgery.
Colic is usually triggered by a combination of factors, including diet, workload, and stress exposure. It can also be caused by gas buildup, feed impaction, grain overload, sand ingestion or parasite infection.
Horses are more susceptible to digestive upset than other domestic animals due to their unique digestive system. Gut disorders, such as colic, diarrhea, or enterotoxemia, represent approximately 50% of medical problems in adult horses.
It’s important to act quickly and call your veterinarian if your horse shows signs of colic, such as pawing, rolling, laying down, loss of appetite or other signs of discomfort.
Colic is something all horse owners strive to prevent. In this podcast, we will discuss strategies you can employ to reduce the risk of colic and other digestive problems in your horse.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/prevent-colic-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Flies are more than just a nuisance to horses and their owners. Without proper fly control, these insects can transmit diseases to your horse and cause skin irritations.
Effective fly control for horses starts before fly season begins with environmental management strategies to prevent flies from breeding on your farm. You can also protect your horses from flies by adding features to your barns that discourage insects from hanging around horses.
Fly spray is one of the most common methods for controlling flies. But horses often need added protection from wearable fly gear to stay comfortable during peak fly season.
Feed-through fly control is also available for horses, and some supplements may help support skin health in horses sensitive to bug bites.
This podcast will review everything horse owners need to know about effective fly control for horses. Listen now to learn how flies impact horse health and the best strategies for protecting your horse from biting insects.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/fly-control-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Coughing is a common clinical sign in horses that can be entirely benign or the first clue of a medical condition.
Your horse’s cough is a normal reflex that keeps his airway healthy and clean. But some conditions associated with coughing require immediate veterinary care.
Horse owners should learn to identify different types of coughs to determine when to call the vet. While certain diseases only respond to medical treatments, feeding and environmental changes can also help manage coughing in horses.
This podcast will review the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of coughing in horses. We will also discuss treatment options for breathing conditions and how horse owners can address respiratory health with management changes and nutritional support.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/coughing-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Whether you are a seasoned equestrian or a new horse owner, trailering your horse can be a daunting task but does not have to be uncomfortable for you or your horse.
Many factors influence equine welfare while trailering. However, the right vehicle, proper trailer maintenance, careful driving, and thorough preparation will help ensure a safe and successful journey with your horse.
Ensure your horse is familiar with the trailer before hitting the road, and practice loading and unloading several times at home. To keep your horse safe, it is imperative to gather relevant paperwork and carry the necessary equipment you or your horse may require.
Even with the best preparation, travelling to new facilities, competitions, or clinics can cause travel stress in horses. Trailering also increases the risk of dehydration, ulcers, gut issues, and respiratory problems.
This podcast will review trailering tips to keep your horses happy and safe on the road and discuss how to support equine health while travelling.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/trailering-your-horse/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Looking for ways to prevent boredom in your horse? Enrichment activities for your horse don’t need to cost a lot and can be easy to set up.
Many horse owners are aware of the basic components of animal welfare. You know to provide nutrition, water, shelter, safety, and medical help when needed. But a component of animal welfare that often gets missed with horses is the need to express normal and species-appropriate behaviours.
It can be difficult to provide a natural lifestyle for domesticated horses that meets their social and behavioural needs.
Fortunately, we can counteract deficits of the domestic environment by offering our horses enrichment (often referred to as environmental enrichment) that provides an outlet for their natural behaviours.
Here we review 9 DIY enrichment activities for horses!
Read more: https://madbarn.com/horse-enrichment-activities/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Hot hooves, a sawhorse stance, severe lameness; these are all signs of laminitis – one of the most dreaded equine conditions for good reason. In severe instances, laminitis can lead to euthanasia of the horse.
Laminitis occurs when there is separation in the laminae of the hoof — where the hoof wall is connected to the coffin bone. It can occur in one or multiple hooves at the same time.
The separation can lead to permanent structural changes in the foot and lasting lameness. It can sometimes result in severe coffin bone rotation and the coffin bone may even puncture the sole of the hoof.
Researchers have learned that laminitis does not strike out of nowhere. Instead, there are often early warning signs and a prolonged subclinical phase before full-blown laminitis appears.
If you can learn to recognize these early signs in your horse, then the chances of identifying and hopefully reversing the condition before it becomes severe are much improved.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/signs-of-laminitis-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
A hyperactive horse is commonly referred to as a “hot” horse. You may know the feeling of dealing with a hot horse all too well: it can feel like your horse is going to explode at any moment.
Hot horse behaviour is associated with changes in stress hormones. Cortisol is a stress hormones that has a cascading effect on the horse’s body. Chronically elevated cortisol levels in horses are associated with ulcers, colic, and impaired immune function.
Hyperactive behaviour can manifest as:
This unwelcome behaviour is dangerous to both horse and owner, creating fear and tension. In some cases, an owner might choose to sell their horse if the behaviour becomes too much for them to handle.
Luckily, there are strategies that can be implemented to help manage hot horses. The first step is to ensure your horse has a well-balanced diet with the right amounts of energy, vitamins, and minerals.
Wondering why your horse is displaying hyperactive behaviour? It may just be your horse’s personality: hot-blooded breeds such as Thoroughbreds and Arabs are known to be more reactive than others.
In this podcast we review the top nine reasons your horse is acting "hot"
Read more: https://madbarn.com/why-horse-is-hot/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Routine equine dentistry is an often overlooked aspect of preventative care that can significantly impact your horse’s welfare and performance.
Horses have specialized teeth adapted to continuous grazing. Unlike human teeth, horse teeth erupt throughout their life and can become imbalanced if they are not worn down evenly.
Domestic horses may have diets and eating patterns that prevent them from wearing down their teeth naturally. Uneven wear can cause significant discomfort, especially for performance horses wearing bits and bridles during exercise.
Unfortunately, many horses aren’t getting the dental care they need. Postmortem studies frequently report undiagnosed dental disorders in horses.
This podcast will discuss why dentistry is critical to horse health care. We will also review everything horse owners need to know about routine dental exams and teeth floating.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/horse-teeth-floating/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Adding fats and oils to your horse’s diet is a great way to increase calorie supply without relying on grains and high-NSC feeds.
Fats can be added to the diets of underweight horses as weight gain supplements. Oils also provide cool energy to support exercise performance, weight maintenance and gut health.
High-fat feeds are typically made with rice bran, ground flax, or vegetable fat. Oils such as canola, soybean, flax, or camelina oil are also popular options for horses.
All oils and pure fats provide the same amount of caloric energy per gram. However, not all oils are equal in terms of how they influence processes in the body.
When deciding which fat supplement to add to your horse’s diet, equine nutritionists also care about the fatty acid composition of the feed. As this podcast will discuss why certain fat sources have advantages over others.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/fat-supplements-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Straw or chaff is a high-fibre low-sugar forage that is ideal for horses that are overweight or insulin-resistant. Straw adds bulk to your horse’s diet without contributing significant calories or protein.
Research shows that adding straw to a forage ration can increase time spent grazing and the expression of natural foraging behaviours. [1] This can improve wellness and prevent boredom without adding excess energy to the diet.
While straw is not widely used as horse feed in North America, chaff or chopped straw is commonly fed in the United Kingdom. Mixing straw with other forages is recommended to avoid health concerns that are associated with feeding a straw-only ration.
Here, we discuss the benefits, risks and considerations of adding straw to your horse's diet.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/feeding-straw-to-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Unexplained weight loss in your horse is a cause for concern for any horse owner but is often straightforward to diagnose and address.
If your horse is losing body condition, it could indicate an undiagnosed health problem or it may be time to consider changes to your horse’s feeding and management.
Older horses and horses affected by chronic disease are more prone to weight loss than healthy horses. Weight loss may also indicate a gut health issue, dental problem or concern with your horse’s social grouping.
Horses also lose weight when exposed to extreme weather or when fed a diet that does not provide sufficient dietary energy to match their needs.
In this podcast, we will review some of the top reasons why your horse may be losing weight and suggest management strategies to support healthy weight maintenance. We will also discuss how to feed a horse to promote weight gain.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/weight-loss-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
One in ten horses is affected by laminitis each year. This painful condition involves inflammation of the hoof laminae, leading to varying degrees of lameness.
Although laminitis affects the hooves, the condition is often initiated by dietary and metabolic factors. Laminitis can also result from infection or excessive mechanical stresses on the hooves.
Many horses recover completely, but others have lasting damage and are not able to resume their previous level of work.
Once a horse experiences laminitis the risk of reoccurrence increases, and proper management is critical to support recovery and maintain a sound horse.
All breeds and ages of horses are susceptible to laminitis, but some horses have a higher risk due to genetic factors. There are also common lifestyle factors that contribute to the development of this condition.
This podcast will review the top 17 risk factors for laminitis in horses and discuss how to address these risk factors and prevent laminitis in your horse.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/laminitis-risk-factors-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
If your horse is an easy keeper, sometimes it can seem like they get fat off of air.
Some equine breeds are known for being more metabolically efficient than others. They require less digestible energy (calories) to maintain an ideal body condition than other horses. This means they can easily become overweight.
Research shows that up to 40% of horses and ponies are overweight. [21] This can have long-term negative consequences for equine health and well-being, leading to inflammation, metabolic dysfunction, and a higher risk of laminitis.
But there are a number of effective strategies that you can use to help your easy keeper lose weight and maintain a healthy body condition. These strategies include forage selection, pasture management, soaking hay, and choosing low-calorie vitamin and mineral supplements.
This podcast will discuss how to best feed your easy keeper and how to track their body condition score over time.
Read more: /https://madbarn.com/feeding-easy-keeper-horse/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Equine stereotypic behaviours are repetitive behaviours involving a constant sequence of movements that have no obvious or apparent function.
Examples of common stereotypies include cribbing, wind-sucking, weaving, stall walking and head shaking. Sometimes referred to as stall vices, these behaviours are estimated to affect 10-20% of domesticated horses.
These abnormal behaviours may emerge as a response to stress, confinement, isolation or other sources of discomfort for your horse. While the exact cause of stereotypies is not well understood, they appear to be coping mechanisms or expressions of frustration.
Correctly diagnosing abnormal equine behaviour and understanding what it means is an important skill for every horse owner. In the past, it was not uncommon to dismiss behavioural abnormalities due to a lack of understanding. Only recently has stereotypic behaviour received significant attention from the scientific community.
Once you have identified a stereotypic behaviour in your horse, you can take steps to address the root cause of the behaviour. Improving your horse’s overall welfare through care, feeding and management practices is the best way to prevent stereotypies from occurring
Here we discuss eight of the most common stereotypic behaviours in horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/stereotypic-behaviour-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
The internet is full of criticism and judgment about what we do wrong with our horses. We’re often told that we aren’t good enough because we don’t jump high enough, don’t ride well enough, or can’t afford the most expensive horse.
But at the end of the day, what matters most is that you have a happy, healthy, willing horse and that you are both enjoying your time together.
How do you know if you’re doing things right and your horse is happy? Here are seven of the most important indicators to gauge whether your horse is happy.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/signs-your-horse-is-happy/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Equine polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM or EPSM) is a genetic condition in horses that affects how muscle cells store sugars. This can lead to exercise intolerance, stiffness, and an abnormal gait in your horse. After diagnosis, owners often notice signs, such as tail swishing, behavioural changes, and slight performance reductions indicating mild tying-up.
Horses with PSSM are at higher risk of tying-up, also known as exertional rhabdomyolysis. These episodes cause significant pain and are characterized by stiff, firm muscles along with profuse sweating and reluctance to move. In severe cases, the breakdown of muscle tissue can affect kidney function and can be fatal.
The best way to manage PSSM horses is to provide a forage-first low-sugar and starch diet and meet additional energy requirements with dietary fat. A consistent exercise routine can also help promote glycogen breakdown in the muscle.
Dietary management can have a significant positive impact on the health and comfort of PSSM horses, and help to minimize the need for costly veterinary care.
Wondering how to best feed your PSSM horse? Listen to this podcast!
Read more: https://madbarn.com/pssm-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Keeping horses barefoot is gaining in popularity because of the benefits in hoof health and movement it can provide some horses.
Barefoot hoof trimming is designed to maximize the biomechanical efficiency of hoof function. It is favoured among horse owners who prefer more natural management of their equine companions.
When the barefoot hoof is in contact with the ground, blood flow increases within the hoof because the heel can expand in an unrestricted manner. In contrast, shoes prevent the natural expansion within the hoof capsule that occurs with ground contact.
Horses with barefoot hooves may develop a deeper digital cushion and thicker soles in comparison to those that are shod.
Because of these and other changes in their hooves, concussive energy is more sufficiently dissipated within the hoof rather than being transmitted into soft tissues and bony structures.
Transitioning horses to barefoot takes time. Working with a certified trimmer and veterinarian is recommended to facilitate a successful transition.
In this podcast, we review the anatomy of the equine hoof, the research behind barefoot trimming, the physiology of barefoot hooves and discuss the required maintenance for keeping horses barefoot.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/barefoot-trimming-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Many horse owners do not fully appreciate the significance of providing adequate salt to their equine companions. In terms of cost to benefit ratio, it would be hard to think of another nutrient with such a low cost that provides the benefits of salt.
This can not be emphasized enough, your horse will not consume too much salt. To my knowledge, no horse has ever been diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) from excessive salt intake. The larger problem is the lack of salt intake.
The fact is, many horses are sodium/salt deficient.
Salt, or sodium chloride, is a macromineral and a vital component of the equine diet and serves many functions in the horse’s body. As an electrolyte, it supports healthy nerve and muscle function and encourages your horse to drink so that it doesn’t get dehydrated or develop intestinal discomfort.
Knowing how important salt is for your horse, why don’t most horses receive enough salt in their diets? Here we discuss the importance of salt!
Read more: https://madbarn.com/how-to-feed-salt-to-your-horse/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
When it comes to feeding senior horses, there are many factors to consider to support longevity and healthy aging.
Making sure your horse’s core nutritional needs are met and keeping up with routine healthcare are critical to promoting optimal well-being for many more years to come.
Formulating a well-balanced diet that supports healthy aging is critical for senior horses. It is particularly important to accommodate changes in health status such as poor dentition or gut health problems.
In this podcast, we walk through our nine-step guide to feeding senior horses. This includes determining their nutritional needs, identifying health concerns early, checking for dental issues, selecting appropriate forage, feeding digestible protein sources and more!
Read more: https://madbarn.com/how-to-feed-a-senior-horse/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Spirulina is a nutritionally dense blue-green algae that is used as an equine supplement to support horses with immune or respiratory needs.
Spirulina refers to dried algae, or cyanobacteria, harvested from lakes in Africa, Mexico and China. Fed in the form of a concentrated green powder, it is a rich source of bioactive proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
Spirulina powder consists mainly of the cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima. The active ingredients include unique antioxidant proteins and anti-inflammatory fatty acids.
Spirulina has many health benefits for horses including promoting weight loss and improving metabolic health in horses with equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). It is also recommended for horses susceptible to recurrent breathing issues like allergies, heaves, and inflammatory airway disease.
It is considered a complete protein because it supplies all essential amino acids required in the equine diet. Essential amino acids are those protein molecules that horses cannot synthesize independently and must obtain from the diet.
In this podcast, we discuss nine, scientifically-backed benefits of spirulina for horses.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/spirulina-benefits-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Putting weight on a skinny horse can be a difficult and frustrating task. There are many different causes of weight loss in horses and feeding strategies will depend on why your horse is underweight in the first place.
Weight loss occurs when a horse is in a negative energy balance, meaning that they are consuming less caloric energy than they are using in a day.
Weight loss is especially common in senior horses which may be affected by multiple issues that contribute to reduced feed intake, poor digestion and nutrient use.
Poor dental health, gastrointestinal issues and low social standing can also contribute to weight loss.
It is also important to select the right energy sources to promote healthy weight gain without causing metabolic dysfunction.
Follow these 10 steps to develop a feeding plan to help your underweight horse gain weight.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/how-to-feed-underweight-horse/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Laminitis is a common but serious condition that involves separation of the laminae, which connects the coffin bone to the hoof wall.
A bout of laminitis can cause mild to severe pain in affected horses and result in lasting damage to the hooves. In extreme cases, the condition can result in permanent lameness and lead to the horse being euthanized.
With prompt treatment and appropriate rehabilitation, the majority of horses recover from laminitis and can return to light work within two to three months.
Careful management of your horse’s nutrition and health is critical to preventing laminitis from recurring. Here, we discuss how to best support the recovery of a laminitic horse to help them return to soundness.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/laminitis-recovery-for-horses
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Building topline muscle and dealing with topline loss is a common struggle for horse owners.
Your horse may have a weak topline due to a variety of factors including nutrition and exercise. Physiological factors such as age or underlying health conditions can also affect topline muscle.
With the right feeding plan, exercise program, and lifestyle, you can help your horse build muscle mass and strength. Topline muscles are not only appealing to look at, but they also enhance mobility and improve overall fitness and longevity.
Feeding a diet that provides adequate energy, high-quality protein, and meet the horse’s vitamin and mineral requirements, can go a long way to supporting topline muscle growth.
Beyond that, adding some simple exercises can help stimulate the muscle to support protein synthesis and topline development as well as maintenance.
Here we highlight nine steps to build your horse's topline!
Read more: https://madbarn.com/build-horses-topline/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a naturally occurring form of sulfur that is found in plants and animals. MSM is used to relieve joint pain in aging horses and performance horses. It helps maintain healthy connective tissue, cartilage, bones, and hooves. It also supports a healthy skin and coat in horses.
Horses with arthritis, poor hoof condition, or aging horses will likely benefit from MSM supplementation. It might also slow the progress of arthritis by preventing cartilage degradation.
Here we review the top nine scientifically-backed benefits of MSM for horses
Read more: https://madbarn.com/msm-benefits-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
While line disease is a hoof condition that can lead to pain and lameness, this condition affects the equine hoof wall in one or more hooves at a time.
White line disease originates as a separation between adjacent layers in the hoof wall starting at the toe, quarter, and/or heel, which can then become infected with bacteria and fungi.
The separation occurs between the stratum medium and stratum internum within the non-pigmented area known as the white line.
Here, we review risk factors, symptoms and treatment options for white line disease. We also highlight nutritional considerations to support healthy hooves.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/white-line-disease-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Have you noticed that your horse’s stall walls or bedding seem dirtier than normal? Are their tail and hind legs constantly stained? Do you find yourself frequently bathing them to remove these stains?
If you have observed any of these signs, it could be a result of Free Fecal Water Syndrome (FFWS).
Free Fecal Water Syndrome is a topic on the rise within the equine research community as the prevalence and awareness of this condition grow.
Here, we will guide you through what Free Fecal Water Syndrome is, its diagnosis, common symptoms, potential causes, and possible treatments that may aid in the reduction or elimination of this condition.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/free-fecal-water-syndrome-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
An overabundance of fat along the top of the neckline, otherwise known as cresty neck, is an indicator of metabolic problems in your horse.
Researchers believe this type of regional fat deposit (nuchal crest adiposity) is a strong indicator of equine metabolic syndrome (EMS).
If your horse has already developed a cresty neck, the good news is that there are measures you can take to reduce this fat accumulation. Feeding, exercise, and management practices can all help to get rid of a cresty neck.
By doing so, you will also reduce your horse’s chance of developing other complications related to metabolic disease.
Here we review causes, implications and feeding for horses with cresty neck and provide feeding, supplement and exercise suggestions to reduce it.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/cresty-neck-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Equine gastric ulcers are extremely common in horses, especially in performance horses. Ulcers can also occur in the horse’s hindgut and have negative consequences for digestive health.
Hindgut ulcers are also known as colonic ulcers. Veterinarians often refer to the condition as Right Dorsal Colitis (RDC) since most hindgut ulcers occur in this part of the large intestine on the right side of the horse.
Horses affected by hindgut ulcers may experience decreased performance, weight loss, reduced appetite, diarrhea, recurrent colic or a rough coat.
Dietary management plays a key role in preventing hindgut ulcers from recurring and in supporting the healing of the intestinal lining.
Here we review 4 of the most common causes of hindgut ulcers in horses which include: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), excess grain, stress and parasites.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/hindgut-ulcers-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Equine hoof problems are a significant source of concern for horse owners. Hoof issues can lead to lameness and unsoundness, causing discomfort for the horse and potentially leading to early retirement.
In one study, 85% of horses were observed to have at least one form of hoof disorder when examined during regular hoof trimming.
While most hoof issues are mild, if left untreated they can worsen over time and lead to lameness. Problems with your horse’s hooves, such as laminitis, can also signal systemic health concerns that need to be addressed.
Vigilance, regular farrier care and good management practices are all essential to support hoof health. Your horse’s diet is also critical in supplying the nutrients required to grow healthy hoof tissue.
Here we review 7 of the top hoof problems in horses and provide key details on diagnosis and treatment of each one.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/hoof-problems-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Equine Heaves is characterized by inflamed airways in the lungs. This can lead to a number of associated symptoms such as chronic coughing, excess mucous, poor performance and weight loss.
This condition also goes by several other names, including Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), Equine Asthma, Equine Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD).
Heaves is the most common respiratory condition affecting companion and performance horses. Symptoms typically begin to appear around 9 to 12 years of age and both genders are equally affected.
Read more: https://madbarn.com/equine-heaves/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Equine supplements for ulcer prevention are on the rise, but not all products are created equal. According to a survey of horse owners, Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome is one of the most common reasons to modify a horse’s diet.
Dietary management for horses with ulcers can include increasing forage and decreasing grain, as well as providing supplements that support a healthy digestive tract. Ulcer supplements are particularly popular among performance horses in heavy work or competition.
While many safe and natural ingredients can support the health of the gastrointestinal tract, some purported anti-ulcer supplements lack research to validate their efficacy. Other ingredients (like antacid supplements for horses) will only temporarily mask the effects of ulcers while working against the horse’s natural physiology.
Here we review the 16 best supplements currently available to reduce the risk of ulcers and improve overall gut health in your horse. Read more: https://madbarn.com/ulcer-supplements-for-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Kissing spine is a skeletal abnormality in horses in which bony growths on the vertebrae of the spine touch or “kiss”. These bony outgrowths are called dorsal spinous processes.
This condition is caused by multiple factors, including conformation issues, genetic predispositions, poor posture, improper conditioning, and training under saddle at a very young age.
Horses with a kissing spine do not always develop symptoms, but many horses with this condition experience back pain. Afflicted horses may exhibit extreme back tightness, bucking, pain on palpation and an inability to stretch and raise the back while under saddle.
Learn more about kissing spine causes, symptoms, and treatment at https://madbarn.com/kissing-spine-in-horses/.
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Colic is a painful, sometimes fatal, condition that strikes fear in the heart of any horse owner. Many cases of colic are mild and can be resolved with veterinary intervention. Others are severe enough to necessitate surgery.
The term 'colic' is used to describe abdominal pain in horses. It is not one specific condition but rather a symptom associated with numerous abnormalities that affect the horse's digestive organs.
Horses evolved to graze on roughage for most of the day while constantly moving. However, modern management practices are not always aligned with the natural lifestyle of horses. Practices such as stall confinement and low forage intake can increase the risk of colic.
The most common types of colic are related to impaction, in which undigested feed or foreign bodies such as parasites block the movement of digesta through the intestines and cecum.
More serious cases involving “twisted gut” can block blood flow to the area, causing tissue death. This needs to be rectified by surgery to avoid further complications.
Learn more about the top causes of colic in horses at https://madbarn.ca/colic-causes-in-horses/
You can also learn how to prevent colic in this article: https://madbarn.com/prevent-colic-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Founder is a common cause of lameness in horses and refers to an advanced stage of laminitis. It involves damage to the laminar connection between the hoof wall and the coffin bone.
This often leads to rotation and/or sinking of the coffin bone which causes severe pain and can permanently damage the hoof structure.
Multiple factors can contribute to the development of founder. Horses with the condition may show a range of signs of distress and discomfort and typically cannot move about comfortably.
Prevention and treatment requires addressing the underlying causes of the condition. Founder is not always treatable if the internal structures of the foot have sustained significant damage.
Learn more about the causes, signs, treatment and prevention of founder in horses at https://madbarn.ca/founder-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
What are some of the common signs that your horse is affected by ulcers? If your horse is losing weight, not eating well, or has developed a coarse coat they may be affected by ulcers.
But these are not the only symptoms that you should be on the lookout for. Every horse owner should be aware of these signs because Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is one of the most common medical conditions in horses.
Researchers estimate that 60-90% of performance horses will develop EGUS at some point. Unfortunately, pleasure horses and foals can also develop ulcers.
Learn more about the Top 14 Signs and Symptoms of Ulcers in Horses at https://madbarn.com/signs-of-ulcers-in-horses/
Mad Barn Academy is dedicated to supporting horse owners and equine practitioners through research, training and education. Visit us at https://madbarn.com for more resources, videos and articles.
Want personalized guidance on your horse's feeding program? Submit your horse's information online for a free diet evaluation from our university-trained equine nutritionists.
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