How do you brainstorm plot threads? How do you come up with Umbrood names, McGuffin descriptions or outline NPCs? Adam and Terry walk through their processes for coming up with plot and creating Mage-sounding non-sense.
John Cleese spoke about creativity for Video Arts in January 1991.
Creativity: A Short & Cheerful Guide (book) by John Cleese
A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech, 1983 / 2008(newer)
A Kick in the Seat of the Pants by Roger von Oech, 1986
Electric Bastionland by Chris McDowall
Tome of Adventure Design by Matt Finch
The Dungeon Dozen by Jason Sholtis
Far Side Collection (newspaper comic strip)
Legends of Tono
The Classic of Mountains & Seas
Kojiki (I recommend the Donald Philippi translation)
Charles Dickens
G. K. Chesterton