Three different interviews with three different liveplays! Terrifying Tales nods to Kult, Ombligo Del Diablo is an M5 hack in a strange Southwest, and Technogate explores the 90s, one Umbral Realm at a time and what 2d10 and Guldan Age Stories are up to.
Terrifying Tales - A run of Mage with hints of Kult added for good measure run by Vorpal Tales.
Technogate 1999 - Exploring the goings on an Umbra-hopping Amalgam by Guldan Age Stories.
Ombligo Del Diablo - Adventures in an eerie Southwest by the Odd Troupe.
Crossing Darkness - An old World of Darkness informational podcast about the full breadth of oWoD gaming
2D10 Podcast - A broad gaming podcast by Nate of Utility Muffin Labs
Other links!
Victorian Mage Indiegogo - For each person who comments that I should write on the Victorian Umbra, I'll add 250 words to an STV supplement on the Victorian Umbra. (Min 5k, max 20k)
Sorcerer: Paths to Power - Sorcerer updated to M20