It's been almost 7 years since the last Technocracy-only book came out. So what are they up to now? Technocracy Reloaded, the upcoming M20 release on Kickstarter starting April 28th answers that question in spades. Developers Danielle Lauzon and Travis Legge sit down with Terry for a wide-ranging conversation on how the Technocracy has been updated for the 21st century. Has there been a civil between the Syndicate and the NWO? What's it like having a family in the Technocracy? Can one of the Fallen possess a HIT Mark? Listen and find out!
M20 Technocracy Reloaded Kickstarter will come online on Tuesday, April the 28th, at 2pm Eastern US time! Keep an eye on to see when it goes live and please consider backing this wonderful book!
Prior Technocracy books:
Guide to the Technocracy - 2e Update on the monolith
Technocracy Bundle - All the Technocracy texts at a good price
Travis has worked on: All the Scarred Lands
Danielle has worked on: All the CoD and Scion
Onyx Path's Twitch channel: