The Dreamspeakers were initially presented as the ragtag band that has been spoken to by Gaia but in Second Edition their draw and depth expanded considerably. They are the travelers through the Dreamtime, warriors of the visionquest, and keepers of the balance but what does this mean? Adam and Terry talk about their practice, history, and paradigm as they discuss The Dreamspeakers Tradition Book.
Midnight Express Wu-Keng episode - BK and Terry talk Wu-Keng
307 RPG Podcast - Terry talks about Spheres, Adam talks about factions
Domain level play - RPG play at the level above troupe play
Book of Crafts episode - Dreamspeakers are listed as reaching out to some Crafts but their invite is refused.
The Mohawk Ironworkers - Group of indigenous construction workers behind the trope of First Nations skyscraper builders