Many world cultures refer to servants of greater powers who guide humanity and other servants of darker powers who tempt us. What if the latter started out as the former? Demon the Fallen builds a world where a war occurred in heaven where those who fought for the right to reveal themselves to humans were banished from creation...until now. Demon as a system plays very well with Mage and Terry Robinson and Charles Siegel will guide you though adding those who saw paradise lost to your chronicle.
- The mythos laid out in this game don't quite follow any specific tradition and hew to Paradise Lost.
- If you want to follow a world tradition of angelology, pick one of the big ones and run with it: Angels in Judaism, Angels in Christianity, Angels in Islam, Angels in Hermeticism, Angels in Zoroastrianism
- Angel powers can be quite potent
- House rule that Pacts forged with low-torment demons do not mark the avatar and those with high-torment demons/the Earthbound do
- Early demon history posits a fractured cosmos where one thing could be multiple things at once
- Demons have highly variable memories of creation
- Demon lores appear as magick to mages and magick appears as a lore to demons, each can detect what the other is doing.