Mummies, to quote the Euthanatoi "Are mummies stuck on the Wheel, or do they ride it like experts?" Originally stuck at no more than 42, a new breed of the immortal walk the earth. They fight the Wyrm in the form of Apophis but also fiercely contest the Web of Faith. Where did they come from, what can they do, and how can you use them in a Mage chronicle? Joel Cotton, veteran Mummy and Mage storyteller shares how to integrate the undying into your game.
Mummy Terms!
- Amenti or Dark Kingdom of Sand - Where the mummies recoup between cycles
- Anubis - First to taste death. Kind of like Egyptian Charon.
- Apophis - Corrupted version of Apep, embodiment of Oblivion or the Wyrm
- Capacocha - Immortals of South America.
- Hekau - Mummy powers (Spheres/Disciplines)
- Horus - Leader of the Shemsu-Heru.
- Isis - Wife and sister of Osiris. Maybe first mage.
- Judges of Ma'at - 42 entities that enforce the cosmic principle of balance (Ma'at)
- Osirian League - Society dedicated to fighting Set.
- Osiris - Brother of Set, cut up into 14 pieces
- Sekhem - Mummy Quintessence
- Set - Worshipper of Apep the Destroyer.
- Shemsu-Heru - First round of mummies. Limited to 42
- The Week of Nightmares - Time when a lot of things go sideways set off by the death of
- Web of Faith - Network of sacred sites and Nodes
- Wu T'ian - Asian counterparts to mummies.
Other things!