Beth Lynch, Intuitive Consultant, Medium, author and founder of Inner Light Teaching, offers more than mediumship in her gatherings. She shares the power of understanding the relationship between the Spirit (relationship with God) and Self (personality). Lynch feels the communication of those in spirit is about helping us as a species evolve to our natural and sacred expression. As a child, Lynch’s sensitivity to thoughts and feelings confused and at times terrified her. Fast forward 30 years of curiosity, faith and healing it is now her passion and purpose … to help others understand intuition, healing, thoughts and the power of love. The death of both parents in a short period of time made her face the depths of loss and the process of healing grief. In the learning and healing process, the understanding of death also became clear. The truth transformed sensitivity into strength. In turn, her intuitive gifts and abilities were clearly about helping her but also to help others. Living a life committed to meditation, higher awareness and personal healing her sensitivity to the Spiritual realm became natural and helping others was inevitable. She feels blessed to help others connect to those crossed as well as intuitively guide them to a place of higher understanding in their own journey. In this episode we talk about Beth's evolution as a psychic medium and her near death and out of body experiences in which she, a spiritualist, encountered Jesus.
Beth's Website:
Beth's Amazon Book Page:
Music Credits: Track: Wandering — JayJen [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream:
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