Josh Louis is a spirit communicator, afterlife researcher, the author of the book, "Finding Hope In The Afterlife" and host of the YouTube channel, "HOPE Paranormal". In this episode, Josh shares his personal story of how he found light in spirituality after many years of struggling with addiction and darkness and we discuss addiction recovery as it relates to spirituality. Josh also explains how he uses technology to communicate with those who have crossed over, and what this and his experience as a psychic medium relying on his own senses have revealed to him about the afterlife. In addition, we discuss the controversy in the spiritual community that inevitably arises when different perspectives and beliefs collide.
Josh's website:
Josh's Facebook Page:
Josh's Book On Amazon:
Josh's YouTube Channel:
Music Credits: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Track: Wandering — JayJen [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch:
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