Kathy's Website: www.misfitinhelltoheavenexpat.com
Buy Kathy's book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Misfit-Hell-Heaven-Expat-Near-Death/dp/1952146127/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1664408892&sr=1-1
In this episode, Kathy shares some details of her near death experience in which she experienced the projection of hell, and then experienced the beauty and peace of heaven. We talked about why she, a kind-hearted, religious person, was shown visions of hell despite the fact that she'd done nothing wrong, about how our souls choose our challenges, why we are here and what we are to learn from these out of body experiences, and more.
Music Credits: Track: Wandering — JayJen [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: https://youtu.be/1HJbXTXa5WU
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/wandering
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