In episode 108 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby continue part 2 of their Mythical Creatures Series. In the second installment of this three-part conversation, they consider the Furies and Harpies as personifications of sacred rage. They discuss the Furies as maidens (or monsters) of divine punishment and their relationship with Demeter, Medusa, hounds, and serpents. They also talk about the Harpies, three female death spirits that are part bird, part human. Believed to be angels or psychopomps, the Harpies reveal stories of vultures, ‘plucking,’ prophecy, and the magick of triplicity.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
Storytime: The Three Sisters of Fate
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Book 4
Virgil's Aeneid
Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George
Lady of the Beasts: The Goddess and her Sacred Animals, Buffy Johnson
The Last Unicorn
Small Spells Deck by Tamed Wild
Episode 104: Mothers of Monsters & Magick