In episode 109 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby conclude part 2 of their Mythical Creatures Series. In the final installment of this three-part conversation, they discuss the Anzu bird and the Basilisk. Beginning with the Anzu, they contemplate the stories of this giant bird and its role as a deliverer of storms and chaos. While the Anzu is associated with eagles, vultures, and lions, the Basilisk is known as the King of Serpents. They discuss the Basilisk’s deadly gaze, foul breath, and aversion to rue.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George
"Babylonian Story Of Bird-God Anzu ‘The Wise One’ And His Underworld Realm" - Ancient Pages
Lady of the Beasts, Buffy Johnson
Smithsonian Magazine - On the Trail of the Warsaw Basilisk
Natural History, Pliny the Elder
New World Encyclopedia, The Basilisk
The Hammer of Witches, Malleus Maleficarum
"Woman as Other: Medusa and Basilisk in Early Modern French Literature," Nancy M. Frelick
The Witching Herbs, 13 Essential Plants and Herbs for your Magical Garden, Harold Roth