Techniques, skillbuilding, pattern discussion, interviews with makers we adore, our favorite tools… and the knitting advice column you’ve been waiting for!
The podcast make good: a knitting podcast is created by Scratch Supply Co.. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
This is the first episode in a series of minisodes inspired by topic requests that come from our generous Patreon supporters! Ya'll are the best!
Juliet asked us to talk about photographing our finished knits. While we're definitely not professional photographers, we've put together some tips that will help you get great shots of your projects so you can proudly share your knits with the fiber community!
We're in the depths of a brutal heatwave here in New Hampshire, so we're beating the heat by dreaming of autumn. You know what that means: Rhinebeck Sweaters! (If you're not familiar with Rhinebeck, that's the NY Sheep and Wool Festival.)
Today we're talking about "trusting the process" - by request!
In our letter we talk about how to adapt knitting techniques for one-handed knitting.
One-handed knitting resources:
This week we're answering questions from listeners:
Running through July 31st (THIS SUNDAY!)
We're talking about substituting yarn weights this week! Gauge, schmage. (You're going to need to swatch.)
Tin Can Knits: Knitting a Garment at a Different Gauge
Jacqueline Cieslak: Yarn Substitutions at Different Weights
Jimmybeans Wool: Knitting Calculator (broad estimates)
Sister Mountain - How to Estimate Yardage in Knitting Patterns
Anything you want... but make it with at least one cable. We'll be finishing up July 31, but that doesn't mean you need to be done by then - there's still time to join!
#makegoodcables (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
This week we're revisiting something that came up during our episode about ply week before last and talking about directional twist in yarn.
Anything you want... but make it with at least one cable! We hope you'll join us!
#makegoodcables (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
This week's episode is about the things (in addition to finished objects!) that we get from knitting.
Anything you want... but make it with at least one cable! We hope you'll join us!
#makegoodcables (no year, please!)
Send us your letters! Please include your pronouns!
This week's episode is all about ply - it's a deep dive on the construction of yarn!
Craft Yarn Council Standard Yarn Weight System
Anything you want... but make it with at least one cable! Casting on June 1. We hope you'll join us!
#makegoodcables (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
This week we're talking about Works in Progress (sometimes known as WIPs). Sometimes a WIP will become a UFO (UnFinished Object).
Anything you want... but make it with at least one cable! Casting on June 1. We hope you'll join us!
#makegoodcables (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
We feel a bit knitting-adjacent this week - we're talking about buttons, and answering a Dear Scratch letter about cozy mysteries!
** Alternatives to buttons:**
Knitting themed cozy mysteries:
Other themes:
Anything you want... but make it with at least one cable! We cast on June 1, and there's definitely still time to join us - we hope you will!
#makegoodcables (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
We'll be live on YouTube on June 6 at 6pm EST! Click here or go to
This week's episode is all about mosaic knitting! In our Dear Scratch letter, we talk about what to do if your gauge is way off only on one particular type of project.
Tiny Tutorial on Mosaic Knitting from SweetGeorgia Yarns
Barbara Walker's Mosaic Knitting (1976)
Anything you want... but make it with at least one cable! Casting on June 1. We hope you'll join us!
#makegoodcables (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
This week we're talking about knitting for babies - what to make and (most controversial topic of all) what color to use!
Socks / Baby Booties
** Sweaters**
*Longies and Diaper Covers *
Stuffed Animals
Send us your letters!
We're talking about textured knitting this week!
This round's theme is CABLES! We'll be kicking things off June 1.
Send us your letters!
We're talking about all the different ways you can use stitch markers. This week's letter is about how to preserve swatches from projects you've given as gifts.
Our magical leaders - Rowan Tree Travel
The Canisp Sweater:
Send us your letters!
Send us your letters!
See you in two weeks!
We mentioned I-Cords in last week's episode! This week we're talking about what they are and how you might be use them in your projects.
*Tools to create Knit an I-Cord: *
I-Cord Uses:
I-Cord Cast-On Video Tutorial from Brooklyn Tweed - includes video, and written instructions for both knitting flat and in the round)
Bind-off: - Clean, aesthetically pleasing finished edges to your project
I-Cord Bind-Off tutorial from Andrea Rangel
We'll be going live at 4:15 EST on Saturday, April 2 to celebrate the conclusion of the stashdown!
Send us your letters!
Designers' posts about waist shaping (not an exhaustive list, just a few that we like!):
It will continue until March 31, so there's still a little time to join. Join the fun by posting photos with the tag #makegoodstashdown (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
If we keep answering five question an episode, we might get caught up one of these days!
It will continue until March 31, so there's still plenty of time to join. Join the fun by posting photos with the tag #makegoodstashdown (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
Sure, there are advanced techniques for eliminating those little knitting annoyances... but sometimes you just want a quick fix that will make the problem a little less obvious.
Five Ways to Neatly Bind Off the Last Stitch
It will continue until March 31, so there's still plenty of time to join. Join the fun by posting photos with the tag #makegoodstashdown (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
From neck to hem, cuff to cuff, we're pulling apart the sweater and learning how to refer to all the little pieces they're made of.
It will continue until March 31, so there's still plenty of time to join. Join the fun by posting photos with the tag #makegoodstashdown (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
This week's episode is about the test knitting process - what to expect, how to do it, and when you should probably give a testing call a pass. (Hint: It's if you don't want to to knit the thing.)
*Resources: *
** The Make Good Stashdown is going strong!**
It's the last week of February - one month to go!
Join the fun by posting photos with the tag #makegoodstashdown (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
This week we're tackling the less-scary-than-it-seems issue of steeking your projects. Cardigans, armholes, necklines - your scissors are your friend, we promise.
*Anatomy of a Steek: *
Securing a Steek
Finishing a Steek
Kate Davies' helpful blog post with great photos of different steek finishes: What is a Steek
An example of how to add a steek panel to a pullover pattern: Dissent Cardigan Hack
It will continue until March 31, so there's still plenty of time to join. Join the fun by posting photos with the tag #makegoodstashdown (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
Garter stitch is one of our favorite fabrics: elastic, stretchy, and squishy!
NOTE: Karen said some nonsense about how to do a steeking panel during the question portion. Her nonsense was not correct. Listen to next week's episode instead of what she said here and you'll be much happier!
First historical mention of garter stitch from The Lady’s Assistant for Executing Fancy and Useful Designs in Knitting, Netting and Crotchet Work here
It will continue until March 31, so there's still plenty of time to join. Join the fun by posting photos with the tag #makegoodstashdown (no year, please!)
Send us your letters!
Send us your letters!
It's called "frogging" because you rip-it, rip-it, rip-it out. Then there's tinking, which is just knitting in reverse! (Technically that would be gnittink, I suppose, but let's just go with it.)
I did a kind of iffy job of explaining using dental floss as a lifeline. Interweave explains it better here.
And we're off! Use the hashtag #makegoodstashdown (no year!) to enter.
Send us your letters!
What is the Make Good Stashdown?
It's our first KAL of 2022 - you pick your project, works through some stash, and post pictures with the hashtag #makegoodstashdown
Send us your letters!
In Episode 55 we talked about how to the weight of mystery yarn; this week we're talking about ways to identify its fiber content. Grab your notebooks, goggles, and adventurously scientific spirit.
Here we go!
Smell Test
Felting Test
Bleach Test
Acetone Test
Burn Test
Send us your letters!
We're digging deep into your stash to help you identify yarn that might no longer have any identifying information. (Eek!) This week's question is about choosing patterns when knitting socks for larger feet.
WPI (wraps her inch) and Yarn Weight Charts
Here's a link to a WPI tool, in case you're having trouble visualizing it!
Tools for yardage
Send us your letters!
We've chatted about lots of types of hats in this episode. Please enjoy some pictures to show you what we did our best to describe!
Beanies or Toques
CARA Mütze by Susanne Müller
Beret or Tam
Best Beret by James N Watts
Gitchi-Gami Tam by Virginia Sattler-Reimer
Camden Cap by Woolly Wormhead
Sunshine Bonnet by Katarina Linnhagen
Folly Cloche by Laura Nelkin
Earflap Hat
Thorpe by Kristen Kapur
Get Garter - Pixie by Woolly Wormhead
*Stocking *
Anne of Green Cables Hat by Sarah Schira
Ghost Ranch by Andrea Mowry
Deliciosa by Norah Gaughan
We're still rolling through December 31! Tag us #makegoodpod. Announcement about the finale celebration will come next week!
Send us your letters!
From visible mending to stashbuster projects, friendship bracelets to bunny nuggest, this week's episode is full of ideas for how to use up the little bits of yarn that survive a project. (Assuming you didn't lose yarn chicken, that is!)
* Punch needle
* Colorwork!
* Embroidery
* Pom Poms
* Stripes! No one can stop you. Stripes.
* Shoelaces and icords and drawstrings - you'll need a [Lucet](
*Friendship bracelets
* Macrame & wall hangings
* Knit tiny things (think [MochiMochiLand]( for inspiration)
* Weaving
* Make a blanket or rug!
* Felting (if you have lots of non-super wash bits!)
* Decor! Hand roll them into tiny balls and pop them in a glass bottle or jar
* Practice new stitches and techniques with leftover bits
We're still rolling through December 31! Tag us #makegoodpod. Announcement about the finale celebration will come next week!
Send us your letters!
This week we're answering questions! Picking out woven-in ends, the ethics of double-dipping in knitalongs (go for it!), does it count as handmade if you use a knitting machine?, and how to achieve a good fit as a new sweater knitter.
The Make Good Socks knitalong is going until the end of December! Tag #makegoodsocks on instagram to enter. We're still going until December 31!
Send us your letters!
Picking up stitches allows you to knit multi-directional fabric, button bands, heel-flap socks, and so many more things! Here are a few helpful links to videos that will show you how to pick up your stitches.
On instagram (hashtag #makegoodsocks) or here on this blog post!
Send us your letters!
It's a sock knitting vocabulary quiz (hint: 10 points for already knowing something, 10 points for learning something new. Everyone wins!) Our Dear Scratch letter this week is about choosing sweater patterns as a new sweater knitter.
Left-hand dominant Ravelry knit & crochet group: On the Other Hand
On instagram (hashtag #makegoodsocks) or here on this blog post!
Send us your letters!
No pressure. NO PRESSURE. But maybe you want to make some things for people this holiday season, and we have a few ideas.
Mittens & Socks
Biotone Joint Relief Massage Creme
The stretches in this video are pretty great!
Send us your letters!
Continental Style (picking) (also called German, European): Video: How to Knit Continental
*Norwegian Purl *: Video: How to Norwegian Purl
English Style (throwing) (also called American): Video: How to Knit English Style
Flicking (lever knitting) (also called Peruvian, Catholic, Australian, Irish Cottage): Video: How to Lever Knit
Combination : Video: How to Combination Knit
Portuguese (Incan, Andean or Turkish - practiced all over the world): Video: How to Portuguese Knit (neck)
Shetland Knitting (also called: Pit knitting, Scottish, Shetland, From the Hip, Old Way) Video about Shetland Knitters who knit over 200 stitches per minute
To see great short videos of knitting different techniques, visit @dankfiber on instagram!
*Make Good Socks KAL * begins this Sunday, November 7. Join us on Instagram (@makegoodpod) or get the details here.
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
Our shopping haul from the weeknd:
I lowkey think Jessica invented the dickey thing. I can't find it on Ravelry.
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
Junction Fiber Mill website
Instagram: @junctionfibermill
Savage Hart Farm (Peggy's farm!)
Check out the details here
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
A helpful YouTube video about the GOTS-certified organic process
Non-toxic EXP finishing diagram
Check out the details here
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
This week is all about someday wishlists.
Karen's dream projects:
Jessica's dream projects:
Check out the details here
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
Tutorials that might help you fix a few specific mistakes:
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
Here's the spinny colorwork thing I was talking about! From a painting by Ambrogio Lorenzetti of Siena, ca. 1345.
Do you want to get your hands on your very own copy of A History of Hand Knitting by Richard Rutt? You can follow this link to Indiebound and source one from an independent bookseller!
Fill out the scholarship application for yourself, or you can nominate someone else!
Applications will be accepted through September 20, 2021 and scholarship recipients will be notified by September 30, 2021 via email. Recipients will not be announced publicly.
Check out the details here
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
Our Scratch Supply Co. 5th birthday will be happening September 17-19.
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
Roosimine Knitting! That's the Estonian colorwork technique I couldn't remember the name of. Here's some more information from Alekx Byrd.
It looks like this!
Keep an eye on our instagram - the winner will be announced today!
Check out all the amazing finished (or not-quite-finished) projects at the hashtag #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
Oh hey, we have a Patreon now! Check it out!
### Indie Untangled Giveaway Details
Support make good: a knitting podcast
This week we chat about the knitting that happens when everything feels overwhelming. We've got suggestions for projects that will carry you through whatever is bringing you down.
There are only two weeks left, but that's plenty of time to join us for our summer KAL.
Make any Jessie Mae pattern that strikes your fancy!
End date August 31
Participate by making something you love and tagging us #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
One of the few types of knitting (along with hats, scarves, shawls, and mittens... I'm primarily a sweater knitter, okay?) you can do without a pattern!
The Knitter’s Book of Socks by Clara Parkes
Make any Jessie Mae pattern that strikes your fancy!
End date August 31
Participate by making something you love and tagging us #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
Where to find Swanky Emu Knits (Sarah Krentz) online:
Make any Jessie Mae pattern that strikes your fancy!
End date August 31
Participate by making something you love and tagging us #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
It's the time of year when we start to think about apple cider donuts in the crisp fall air of upstate New York.
@Squidney - Sydney Crabaugh
@tentacularly - Jenzilla
The Rhinebeck Sweater Lookbook
Make any Jessie Mae pattern that strikes your fancy!
End date August 31
Participate by making something you love and tagging us #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
We're back! We missed you!
Make any Jessie Mae pattern that strikes your fancy!
End date August 31
Participate by making something you love and tagging us #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
Make any Jessie Mae pattern that strikes your fancy!
End date August 31
Participate by making something you love and tagging us #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
Make any Jessie Mae pattern that strikes your fancy!
We'll be casting on on Instagram live on Friday, July 2 at 4pm. Join us! @makegoodpod
End date August 31
Participate by making something you love and tagging us #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
Make any Jessie Mae pattern that strikes your fancy!
We'll be casting on on Instagram live on Friday, July 2 at 4pm. Join us! @makegoodpod
End date August 31
Participate by making something you love and tagging us #makegoodmaedalong
Send us your letters!
You know, all those on-purpose holes in your knitting!
Any Jessie Mae pattern!
Send us your questions at
We're reopening the shop for in-store shopping (hooray!), so we're doing a minisode this week!
New yarn in the shop!
You need a project bag because otherwise your knitting gets out of control!
Large Bags
Medium Bags
Small Bags
Notions Pouches
Bag Makers from the World Outside of Scratch
Don't put duct tape inside your boots! It will move over time and you'll end up with a gummy mess.
Our blog post about Indie Spotlight designers is here.
Sunday, May 30
Local: 10am-noon in front of the shop (1 Court St, Lebanon NH)
Not local: All day online! Post with *#makegoodsorrel *
We'll be choosing the winner of our contest on Monday, May 31.
RadioLab episode about color - Colors
Stephen West on Instagram: @westknits
Either way, great progress for bébé.
Sunday, March 30, 10am-noon (if you're local) or all day on Instagram!
Marling is both a technique you can do in your knitting, and a type of yarn.
Patterns we mentioned in this episode:
Yarn we mentioned this week:
What do you do if you tear, snag, or stain your hand knits... or have a (gasp) MOTH ATTACK? This week we talk mending!
@bookhou on instagram: visible mending tutorials/videos
Hashtag to enter: #makegoodsorrel
Follow us on instagram [@makegoodpod](
We're talking about the aesthetic of the yarn, not the fiber content or construction.
Email your questions to
Make a good warm weather knit choice!
Patterns we mentioned in this episode:
Elizabeth Zimmerman's Sewn Bind Off Tutorial (not a video) by Andrea Rangel
Have a question you'd like us to answer on a future episode? Email us at
Today we're talking about the counterfeit Chiaogoo needles currently being sold on Amazon and how to protect yourself when shopping online.
*How to spot a fake: *Chiaogoo's guide to spotting counterfeit needle sets
The real deal:
Instagram live @makegood Sunday, April 11
Send us your questions at
This week we talk about making decisions about fit and ease to create knitted garments you'll love!
Embody by Jacquelline Cieslak
My Body Model
email your questions to
Follow us on instagram @makegoodpod
This week we're talking about colorwork! Stranded (or fairisle), mosaic, intarsia, brioche, how to catch floats, what to do with dominant colors.... this is a 10,000 foot view of a variety of colorwork methods and techniques. This week's Dear Scratch letter gets a sort-of answer about yarn weight substitution.
Colour Dominance by Ysolda Teague
This week we interview Casey Ryder, owner of Portfiber in Portland, ME and US distributor of Cashmere People Yarns!
Portfiber (Casey's shop)
Cashmere People Yarns at Scratch
Crystal Star Wrap designed by Jen Peck
Today's episode is all about swatching. Yay swatching! This week's Dear Scratch segment is about combining different yarn of the same weight in the sasme project.
Swatch pictures on our Instagram
The Chinese Inch is a real thing, more appropriately called a cun: Cun (unit) on Wikipedia
March of the Penguonos will be Saturday, March 6 from noon - 2pm
This episode is all about inspiration - where we find it, how we keep it, and what we want to do with it!
Our Dear Scratch letter this week is about planning for knitting during a post-COVID road trip.
iPad apps: GoodNotes, KnitCompanion
email us at
No show notes this week, because linking to anything we talked about this week would be in poor form.
This week, we're taking you on a barnyard journey.
At one point in this episode we were talking about "hair follicle" when what we really meant was "hair cuticle." Sorry about that!
Click here to see our blog post about different fiber types!
Penguono by Stephen West
DRK Everyday Socks by Andrea Mowry
We're always learning new things from the fiber community! Today we're sharing some of our favorite tips and tools that make our knitting lives better.
Email us and tell us about your favorite tools and tips!
Penguono by Stephen West
Tomás Pullover by Joji Locatelli
DRK Everyday Socks by Andrea Mowry
Cinnabar by Andrea Mowry
Welcome to our first annual Stashdown KAL! This year's stashbusting project will be Stephen West's Penguono. Even though the KAL has started, there's still time to join! Really, isn't being fashionably late #goals?
Follow us on our new Instagram account @makegoodpod
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by Scratch Supply Co.
Short rows are your friends! Join us on a deep dive into the what, how, and why of these delightfully short sections of knitting that will make your finished projects fit like a dream!
_Patterns with short rows that we mentioned: _
Short row tutorials:
Penguono by Stephen West
DRK Everyday Socks by Andrea Mowry
Welcome to our first annual Stashdown KAL! This year's stashbusting project will be Stephen West's Penguono. Even though the KAL has started, there's still time to join! Really, isn't being fashionably late #goals?
Follow us on our new Instagram account @makegoodpod
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by Scratch Supply Co.
photo credit: The Rain Outside Shawl © Softsweater Knits
This week we talk about where we get our knitting patterns, and how access to patterns (and becoming a designer!) has changed over the years. We also answer a Dear Scratch question about yarn bleeding during blocking... yikes!
If you're curious about our littlest, naughtiest dog Charlie, you can see him on our website!
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, designers and patterns mentioned will link to Ravelry pages.
Penguono by Stephen West
Tomás Pullover - Joji Locatelli
DRK Everyday Socks by Andrea Mowry
Welcome to our first annual Stashdown KAL! This year's stashbusting project will be Stephen West's Penguono. Even though the KAL has started, there's still time to join! Really, isn't being fashionably late #goals?
Follow us on our new Instagram account @makegoodpod
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by Scratch Supply Co.
Episode photo credit: Katriina Luotonen
This week we talk about needles! There are so many options available, it can feel a little overwhelming. Fortunately, that means that there's a set out there for everyone! Plus we have a quick chat about the variety of yarn produced by different sheep breeds.
Wood needles
* Knitter's Pride Ginger Interchangeable Needles and Full Ginger Sets
* Mindful Collection Cables
Metal needles
* ChiaoGoo TWIST Interchangeable Needles and Full ChiaoGoo Sets
* ChiaoGoo Mini Sets
* Addi Flexi Flips
Ergonomic needles
* Knitter's Pride Cubics Interchangeable Needles and Full Cubics Sets
* Prym Ergonomic Knitting Needles
Double pointed needles (DPNS)
* Pony Pearls
* Ginger DPN's
* ChiaoGoo DPN's
Penguono by Stephen West
DRK Everyday Socks by Andrea Mowry
Lotta by Marie Greene
* Wilder from Spincycle Yarns
Coofle by Kate Davies Designs
* Weld from Hudson + West Co.
* Maven from Ritual Dyes
Sassy Cardigan Sweater by Bonnie Desroches
* Elder from Ritual Dyes
Icelandic wool:
Highland wool:
Highland from Harrisville Designs
Woolstok from Blue Sky Fibers
Cormo & Corriedale:
Forge from Hudson + West Co.
(I misspoke and said that Shelter contained Correidale. Wrong! It's a blend of Targhee & Columbia)
Wilder from Spincycle Yarns
Maven from Ritual Dyes
Elder from Ritual Dyes
Pishkun from The Farmer's Daughter Fibers
Recollect from The Farmer's Daughter Fibers
Sunrise Hill Farm
Shetland from Harrisville Designs
Blue Faced Liecester:
Sunrise Hill Farm
Nurtured from Julie Asselin
Quarry from Brooklyn Tweed
Shelter from Brooklyn Tweed
Welcome to our first annual Stashdown KAL! This year's stashbusting project will be Stephen West's Penguono. Even though the KAL has started, there's still time to join! Really, isn't being fashionably late #goals?
Follow us on our new Instagram account @makegoodpod
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by Scratch Supply Co.
Welcome to our first annual Stashdown KAL. This year's stashbusting project will be Stephen West's Penguono. Today we're talking about some of the technical aspects of pattern (size, gauge, choosing yarns, etc.) and we hope that you'll knit a Penguono with us!
Follow us on our new Instagram account @makegoodpod
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by Scratch Supply Co.
This week we talk about our relationship with our stashes. We identify three types of stash-havers, and talk about ways to change (if that's what you want to do)!
We're also getting ready for our first annual Stashdown. This year's stashbusting project will be Stephen West's Penguono.
We recorded this episode out of order and totally do have a podcast instagram! @makegoodpod
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by [Scratch Supply Co](
In our first-ever holiday episode, we share listeners' stories of The Sweater Curse and gifts gone wrong.
Check out our brand-new podcast Instagram account @makegoodpod
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by [Scratch Supply Co](
This week we talk to Anne and Kathy, the organizers behind Warm the Line. Plus your blocking and end-weaving questions answered!
Where to donate items for Georgia Runoff - Jan 5
Stitch Witch Blog post about Warm the Line
Warm the Line Merchandise on Spreadshirt
Anne's Instagram @bea.n.chardesignss
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by [Scratch Supply Co](
This week's episode has some suggestions for quick gift knits and things knitters might have on their wishlist! Plus we answer an email about informational accessibility and chat about LYS culture.
[2020 Giftmas Guide](( on our blog, with links to all items mentioned
Lambing Mitts by Veronika Jobe for Tolt Yarn & Wool in Brooklyn Tweed Shelter
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by [Scratch Supply Co](
Socks to shawls in 60 seconds!
Patterns mentioned in this week's episode (all links go to Ravelry)
Products mentioned in this week's episode
On our needles this week
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by [Scratch Supply Co](
Correction: we mention in this episode that Eucalan needs to be rinsed out. It doesn't - we were both misremembering. Sorry about that!
Today we talk about blocking your finished objects: what it is, how to do it, and how not to mess it up. Then get some suggestions for what to knit after your first sweater project.
Mentioned in this week's episode
On our needles this week
Patterns mentioned in the Dear Scratch portion (all links go to Ravelry)
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by [Scratch Supply Co](
Thank you for downloading our first-ever episode!
Meet your hosts, Jessica and Karen, and learn a little about Scratch Supply Co, the LYS they co-own. Then find out what happens when a family member asks for an exact replica of a commercially-available sweater as a gift. (Hint: not everyone is knitworthy!)
On our needles this week
Submit a question to our next Dear Scratch installment by emailing us at
Brought to you by [Scratch Supply Co](
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.