Making Awesome – 3D Printing, Inventing, Making, Small Business
This week we are joined by Dan Barousse, Co-Founder and CEO of @Slice Engineering . Dan is a mechanical engineer that was turned to the Dark Side of Business, i.e. sales and marketing, when he started Slice Engineering. He is passionate about using 3D printing as a tool to help people bring their ideas to life.
We are going to be discussing the history of Slice Engineering, what sets them apart, and maybe some fun beef with E3D ;)
Slice's Story:
When it comes down to it, we’re engineers. And when we encounter a problem, it’s compulsive for us to find a solution, or create one. We look to the greatest inventors in history and we see a shared vision: a contagious curiosity about how things work, and an insatiable desire to improve the world.
That curiosity inspires us - a vision to push technology forward further than people thought was possible. One of the great architects, Louis Sullivan, had a philosophy that has permeated design, engineering, and architecture: form ever follows function. Within the context of architecture, it means that the shape of a building should primarily relate to its intended function or purpose. It’s simple, but profound. And that philosophy led us to re-imagine some of the components on the 3D desktop printer we were using at the time. Were they optimally designed and structured based on their intended function? We told you it’s compulsive...That lens to life has unlocked engineering discoveries that led to the formation of Slice Engineering®. Because of these discoveries, you can now print faster, with higher resolution, using engineering-grade plastics.
Learn more here:
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