Making Awesome – 3D Printing, Inventing, Making, Small Business
This week we are joined by Peter Solomon, an amazing designer and FOUNDER of Wham Bam Systems, a 3D Printer accessory company most famous for their Flexible Build Systems and the MUTANT tool changing set up! Peter is going to talk all about his life, starting Wham Bam, and even show us around their NEW FACILITY! Below is Peter's bio and links to Wham Bam! Use code "Musketeers" for 10% off!!!
Peter Solomon is an acclaimed industrial designer, problem solver, and entrepreneur.
Peter did his undergraduate degree in industrial design at Pratt, NY in the 1980s, worked for a period there after in NY, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Peter’s journey as a designer began before the true adoption of computers and 3D programs, and he was active in their implementation and the advent of 3D printers from the beginning.
As printers became more and more accessible Peter ran labs of multiple machines, each over $200k, and in 2014 bought a few more consumer facing machines for less than $10k each.
Peter participated in testing new printer technology, working with 3D software firms on beta versions and improvements, and continually contributed to forums with his knowledge, advice and upgrades for various machines.
When the advent of the RepRap movement provided the community as well as Chinese manufacturer with inexpensive solutions to creating machines, the market shifted dramatically. The forums began to have discussions held by hobbyists and beginners rather than prototypers, designers, and engineers. Peter bought one then two, three Creality FDM printers and was blown away by the low price but great quality of prints with a bit of tuning and upgrades, and began making and sharing his own. In 2017 he began working on a way to have better adhesion but remove prints easier, and sharing his results with the community provoked many requests to offer the complete product instead of the plans.
In 2018 Peter together with his Asian Production Partner Steven, and Marketing Director Melinda decided to open Wham Bam, and ran a kick starter campaign with 6 sizes of Flexible Build System.
Today Wham Bam is going on its 4th year, has moved into a larger space with warehousing, has multiple distributors all over the world and has over 300 SKUS.
During COVID’s early spread Peter also founded Egis Viso to make superior face-shields and get them out to healthcare professionals and front liners.
in 2020 he also established an association for professionals in Rapid Manufacture.
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