Sponsor: I wanted to thank one of our sponsors for this week’s episode, Fancy Tiger Crafts, a beautiful yarn shop based out of Denver Colorado. This inspired place is owned and operated by self proclaimed fiber nerds, Jaime Jennings and Amber Corcoran…two women who’s hope and journey have allowed them to share their knowledge, adventures and passion in fiber, and this is reflected in their beautiful shop as well as their endeavors in creating their own yarn Heirloom, which you can find in their shop, both in person and online. Make sure to share and visit fancytigercrafts.com Fancy Tiger Crafts has an exciting event coming up in the beginning of October, Wool Day at the Lyons Farmette…a local fiber retreat which will include your choice of two classes, a catered lunch and a cocktail hour. What could be better than spending a day of spinning, knitting and dyeing in the presence of fellow fiber enthusiasts and a fiber animal bunch…ending with cocktails with the Alpacas. For more information and to register, visit fancytigercrafts.com/events. Fiber folk: I first met Brooke a couple years ago when I sat across from her at a little knit gathering Karen from Fringe Supply Co had at […]
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If you'd like to give a shout-out, have a question that you'd like us to answer on the podcast, or are interested in sponsoring Making Conversation, email us at [email protected].
Music by Despatches.