Sponsor: Yarn, a sweet shop for yarn addicts, created by Sunni Scrivner in Eureka, California. Sunni’s love of color is reflected in her warm and soulful shop. Her in-shop pattern line called, Sweet Shop Patterns is available in the store and on their website at yarn-fun.com, where you can also find information about classes and other special events, including their week long “Craft Camp for Kids”, which begins this upcoming Monday and covers fun fiber crafts such as finger knitting, weaving, felting, and more. Call the shop to reserve a spot for this fun event. Make sure to visit Yarn when in Humboldt county and follow along on Instagram @yarnfun418. Fiber folk: I love meeting people in this the fiber industry that surprise you with their story, and Saremy is one of those people. From fashion school to farm life, articulation pattern drafting and now Chicken Boots, her life has been full of adventure and a lot of hard work. It’s inspiring to watch someone who is so dedicated to domestic production, working for themselves and creating a high quality product. You can find Saremy at chickenbootsusa.com and on Instagram @chickenbootsusa. Sponsor: East London Knit was founded by Renée Callahan, a knitwear designer […]
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If you'd like to give a shout-out, have a question that you'd like us to answer on the podcast, or are interested in sponsoring Making Conversation, email us at [email protected].
Music by Despatches.