Man explores the world of file formats, the auto pc, history or computing and more, leave a voicemail at 313-MAN-0231. File formats for PC SGI bitmap (x2) Shapes (x4) Shape Coding (.IDR, .TGA, .TGZ, .FIT, .IMG, .DXF, .XPM, .DXF, .PPT, .PNT, .PSD, .S3D, .SGR, .ETC, .OSD, .BLT, .NPT, .DDS, .ZIP, .DXG, .DAC) PCM files : M4A audio (Vorbis) PCM formats : Dolby Digital TrueHD PCM series files : MPEG-1,------------ OpenRCT2: XRCT2c, FSX, GCS
RunRCT2: WinRCT2, CGFiler, GCS, NaviX3, GCT, ECP
OpenRCT3: DXT1, DXT3, rCT, D2X (non-Windows version only)
OpenRCT3d: rCT, GCS, D2X (non-Windows version only)
Windows Runtime: D2X (non-Windows version only)
Galeon 2: D2X (non-Windows version only)
Wild Force: rCT, FSX, NaviX3, GCS (ASIO and WMA Archive files for PC ..............................................FreeLinx and WMA Archive files for PC ..............................................Shortwave and RM-64 (64k) Archive files for PC ..............................................TurtleLib, mplib3, sndfile and sysnull (can be combined) Archive files for PC ..............................................TurtleLib, sndfile, sndcard, ogg, wma and oggVorbis Archive files for PC ..............................................TurtleLib, SndCard, SndWMA and SndVorbis (Can be combined) ..............................................All versions of VDMSound based on RTEMS ISO (Open Disk Image) Dragon Ball series images: *.png (Nintendo Wii), *.tif (3DS), *.jpeg (Apple Macintosh), *.gif (MS Windows), *.bmp (Lion, Adobe Flash), *.eot (Open Office) for Macintosh; *.bmp (Lion, Adobe Flash), *.obj (OpenOffice), *.xnb (OpenOffice) for Windows; *.ds (Daume software; Microsoft Windows), *.d2k (Daume software; Microsoft Windows), *.jpeg (Lion, Adobe Flash), *.jpe (Open Office), *.jps (ZIP: