In this summer series of podcasts, we introduce the winners of our Teledyne Marine Academic Grant for 2020. This grant offers universities and institutions the opportunity to utilize several of our flagship products free of charge for up to a six-month period to support their research programs. In this episode we meet Boguslaw Cyganek, a professor in the department of Electronics at AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland. His research focus includes computer vision, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence, as well as development of programmable devices, acceleration of computations and embedded systems, with special focus on autonomous automotive and underwater systems. He is an author or a co-author of over a hundred of journal and conference papers, as well as books with the latest “Object Detection and Recognition in Digital Images: Theory and Practice” published by Wiley in 2013. Together with his students, Professor Cyganek will be using the awarded BlueView M900 MKII sonar to further his algorithm development for underwater object detection.