166 avsnitt • Längd: 10 min • Veckovis: Måndag
Marked by Grace is podcast ministry from Pastor Heath Lambert where he weekly applies the grace of Jesus to all of life.
The podcast Marked by Grace is created by Heath Lambert. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Pastor Heath Lambert explores whether those recovering from addiction should count their days, months, or years of sobriety. With wisdom from Hebrews 13:9, he examines how tracking "clean time" can either support or potentially undermine true grace-centered recovery.
0:00 Introduction to Marked by Grace podcast
0:30 Today's question: Should addicts keep track of their clean time?
0:38 Context: Question from someone recovering from pornography addiction
1:08 Cultural practice of tracking sobriety time
1:27 Why we naturally notice the absence of addiction
2:14 Important perspective on tracking clean time
2:47 Biblical insight from Hebrews 13:9
4:04 The risks of tracking clean time
4:10 Risk #1: Pride and boasting about sobriety
4:57 Risk #2: Making clean time equivalent to victory
5:41 The essential difference between clean time and grace
6:35 The power of grace vs. the metric of clean time
6:49 Conclusion: Balance and wise perspective
- Tracking sobriety isn't inherently wrong but carries potential spiritual risks
- Scripture teaches that our hearts should be "strengthened by grace, not by foods" (Hebrews 13:9)
- Pride can attach to long periods of sobriety, making it harder to be honest when struggling
- Overemphasizing clean time can lead to devastating discouragement after a relapse
- True recovery is measured by dependence on Christ's grace, not just time without the addiction
- Even after a relapse, 1 John 1:9 promises complete forgiveness through confession
Submit your questions for future episodes to [email protected]
Hebrews 13:9 - "It is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods"
1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"
On this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath Lambert addresses a challenging question: Is it biblical for Christians to threaten legal action against fellow believers?
Discover what 1 Corinthians 6 teaches about resolving conflicts within the church and why both suing AND threatening to sue violates Scripture's clear teaching.
0:00 Introduction to Marked by Grace podcast
0:17 Today's question: Should Christians threaten to sue other Christians?
1:02 What does 1 Corinthians 6 say about Christians suing Christians?
2:29 The specific question about threatening lawsuits
3:00 A powerful analogy about ungodly threats
4:38 The biblical conclusion on threatening legal action
5:26 God's better way for Christians to resolve conflicts
- Scripture clearly forbids Christians from taking other believers to court (1 Corinthians 6:1-6)
- Christians are called to settle disputes among themselves using godly wisdom
- Threatening an ungodly action (like a lawsuit) to get what you want is itself sinful
- Pastor Heath shares real examples of pastors threatening to sue other Christians
- God has provided better ways for conflict resolution through Christ
Submit your questions for future episodes to [email protected]
- 1 Corinthians 6:1-6 - Christians should resolve disputes within the church
- The Sixth Commandment (Exodus 20:13) - "You shall not murder"
- The Seventh Commandment (Exodus 20:8) - "You shall not commit adultery"
If you found this teaching helpful, please LIKE this video, SUBSCRIBE to our channel, and SHARE with someone who needs biblical guidance on conflict resolution!
Pastor Heath Lambert addresses whether it's biblically acceptable for Christians to intentionally avoid or exclude other believers, particularly in everyday interactions like greeting one another.
Key Points
- Christians live in an increasingly "graceless" culture that normalizes cutting people off
- Scripture commands us to "aim for restoration" (2 Corinthians 13:11)
- While complete restoration isn't always possible, Christians are called to maintain basic courtesy
- Jesus acknowledges the reality of enemies but commands us to love them (Matthew 5:43-44)
- Even greeting those we dislike distinguishes Christian behavior (Matthew 5:47-48)
While Christians may have enemies, we aren't permitted to be enemies. Basic courtesies like greetings should be extended even in difficult relationships.
Questions for future episodes? Email: [email protected]
Pastor Heath Lambert addresses whether someone with a history of abuse can serve in pastoral ministry, examining three key background issues that inform this complex question.
Key Points
- Biblical qualifications for pastors include being "above reproach" (Titus 1:6-7) and "well thought of by outsiders" (1 Timothy 3:7)
- The importance of careful definition and evidence in abuse cases
- The relationship between forgiveness and consequences: while Christ offers forgiveness (1 John 1:9), some past actions may disqualify from pastoral ministry
- The need for churches to maintain both biblical truth and proper investigation processes
- The distinction between eternal forgiveness and pastoral qualification
Bottom Line
While Christ offers complete forgiveness for all sin, certain past actions may permanently disqualify someone from pastoral leadership, even after genuine repentance.
Questions for future episodes? Email: [email protected]
Pastor Heath Lambert addresses whether the Book of Genesis should be understood as actual history. Drawing from his current sermon series through Genesis at First Baptist, he explains why Genesis should be read as historical narrative rather than myth or allegory.
Key Points
- Genesis presents itself as historical narrative from beginning to end
- The text provides no markers to separate myth from history
- Jesus referenced Adam and Eve as historical figures (Matthew 19:4-6)
- The apostles, including Paul, treated Genesis events as historical fact
- Extraordinary events at creation would naturally have extraordinary tellings
- The challenge isn't the text's credibility, but our tendency toward independent thinking over biblical thinking
Questions for future episodes? Email: [email protected]
Pastor Heath Lambert addresses whether Christians who disagree publicly must seek personal reconciliation. Drawing from Scripture, he explains the important distinction between handling personal sin and addressing public false teaching.
Key Points
- Matthew 18:15 guides us on handling personal sin through private conversation
- Titus 1:9 commands teachers to publicly address false teaching
- Public error requires public correction
- Private reconciliation shouldn't be used to avoid addressing doctrinal concerns
Connect With Us
Questions for future episodes? Email: [email protected]
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question, "What Is Dignity & Can You Lose It?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath speaks biblically on the topic of "Pastoral Responsibility for Adult Children".
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question, "What Is the Minimum Income Level for Marriage?".
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath addresses the question of "Is Same-Sex Attraction Sinful"?
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath shares two of his favorite books for 2024.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses the tradition behind Christmas Eve.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath explains the meaning behind the Christmas tradition of stockings.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through what to do with old, worn-out Bibles.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through whether it's wrong to date someone with a significant age gap.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses whether capitalism is corrupt.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses how to handle conflicts involving politics over the holidays.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses if it was wrong to attempt to assassinate Hilter.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses if it's okay for Christians not to vote.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses when someone's feelings are hurt due to misgendering.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through using firearms for protection.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath explains the meaning of theonomy.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath explains why people who live in Florida should vote "no" on Amendment 4 this election day.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses if Christians are allowed to date unbelievers.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses whether cowardice is a sin.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses when a pastor is disqualified from ministry because of his family.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses how to cope with sin against a sovereign God.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses the ethics of In Vitro Fertilization.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath explains the meaning of Ezekiel 33:12-20.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses what a sacrifice of praise is from Hebrews 13.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses whether Christians should give Native Americans their land back.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses the benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through whether simultaneous verbal prayer is biblical.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses whether a man should be gentle with his mistress.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses what it means to be double-tongued.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses how Christians should think about showing care to illegal immigrants.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses women pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses if Jesus spent three days in Hell.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath shares what it means that the woman was deceived in 1 Timothy 2.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about gentle parenting.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses whether believers will be reunited with their miscarried babies in Heaven.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses how you can relate to your gay son's adopted child.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses the difference between gambling and investing.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses the difference between adopted and biological children.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about whether women are saved by childbearing.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses whether Christians are desperately wicked.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through what happens after they die.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses whether the days of Genesis are six literal days.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses whether Christian ministries should use non-disclosure agreements.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses the Alabama Supreme Court ruling and how Christians should think about it.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through whether Satan has power over them.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses if there are levels in Heaven.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the promises in the Bible and which ones apply to believers today.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath explains the number of apostles.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about whether or not it's abusive to spank your kids.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath explains when to take Communion.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath explains when someone should disclose a past sexual sin.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the restrainer mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:6.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through if they should use the app, TikTok.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about whether women should be prosecuted for having an abortion.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the difference between prayer requests and gossip.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about what our mood in ministry should be
In this episode, Pastor Heath tells us two of his favorite books from 2023.
In this episode, Pastor Heath tells us a few reasons why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through taking Communion outside of the Church.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through do-not-resuscitate orders.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath shows us from the Bible why we should share the Gospel if election is true.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers this question that has been debated for centuries.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath walks us through the history of Thanksgiving.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives a few reasons on why we should be a Baptist.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about 3 manifestations of Israel being the people of God.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how Christians should think about Israel and the end times.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives a few reasons why we should avoid bitterness.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how Christians should think about blocking others on social media.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives four realities to think through watching movies.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about what Christians should think about EMDR.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath speaks to the topic of what is the difference between a medium and a prophet
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives 4 reasons to think through the topic of people pleasing.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses what we can trust when thinking on this topic.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives a few reasons for Christians to think through the enneagram.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through concealed carry.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers this unique question: Would God ever change the past?
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about what a stumbling block is, and how we can help our fellow Christians not stumble.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps us to think through Biblically about ministry leaders who are accused of sexual sin.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers: Can God make a rock too heavy to lift?
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how judging can be a sin and how it is right.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how pastors should think when meeting with women.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about a Biblical way of thinking about cremation.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question: "Do we have guardian angels?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives advice on when your podcast pastor is not as good as your pastor.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question: "When should I baptize my young child?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives a few reasons to stay in the Southern Baptist Convention.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives a Christian response to boycotting Target.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives some ways you can teach the Gospel to your children.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives Biblical advice if your son wants to dress like a girl.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers this question: "Is the death penalty Biblical?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers this important question, "Is online church real church?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath reminds us to believe what God says about us.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives us four questions we need to ask ourselves when we see online accusations.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives us four reasons on how to leave your church.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives 3 reasons why it might be good to leave your church.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question: Does God Love You? Listen now for a shocking answer.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about why church membership is Biblical and why it is good for you to be a church member.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how much Netflix is too much.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the meaning of head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about a pattern of missing church.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath asks a few questions about the Asbury Revival.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how we should view the Apocryphal books.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives us a guide to know how far is too far in relationships.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath address the top myths about the First Baptist Statement on Sexuality.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath tells us about two problems with legalism and how to fix those problems.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath urges us to pray for revival and refreshing in the midst of challenging times.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives five points on why First Baptist does not fight over Calvinism.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath encourages us to spend more of our time loving and reading the Bible this year.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath reminds us to use our time wisely while we live our lives.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath tells us what his two favorite books from this past year are.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the story and tradition of Santa Claus.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how a Christmas Tree is a symbol of the life and light found in Jesus.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about what the Bible says for a pastor or deacon to be a one-woman man.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the gifts that are for today.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath points our hearts to a personal season of thanksgiving.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath comforts those who have gone through a death of a child.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath comforts and encourages us about the saving work of Jesus Christ.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about why we should not be scared this Halloween.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses what the Bible says about fasting.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath tells us why we can trust the Bible even through tough topics like polygamy.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath tells us who is a child of God.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about First Baptist's position on sexuality.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath tells us what a woman is.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives his thoughts on how parents should educate their kids.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath gives a Christian perspective on attending a same-sex wedding.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath encourages Christians that God does care about the things they care about.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the blessings of suffering.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about sadness in suffering.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the physical pain we endure here on earth points us to a hope that is eternal.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath reflects on the goodness of God through suffering.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about a Biblical perspective on smoking marijuana.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the blessing of doubting your salvation.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about a Christian perspective on plastic surgery.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath helps Christians think through how they should address people who are transgender.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about patriotic songs in church.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the Pro-Life and Abolition Movements.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about Christians navigating a workplace that celebrates the LGBTQ+ community.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talk about the trouble facing the Southern Baptist Convention.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about a Christian perspective on nude art.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the love of God and the stench of sexual sin.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question, "Do babies go to Heaven when they die?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath explains why Christians worship on Sunday.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question, "can I lose my salvation."
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how the church should handle pedophiles coming to church.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath encourages us to go to church.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question, "has coffee mastered you?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question, "should Christians cuss?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses the controversial topic of Will Smith at the Oscars.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath answers the question, "should Christians drink?"
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about a Biblical view of getting a tattoo.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath looks at what the Bible says about spanking children.
On this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about a Christian response to Cancel Culture
On this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about the unforgivable sin.
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about what is sexually permissible in marriage.
In this edition of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses a biblical strategy on what to do if you are alone on Valentine's Day.
In this edition of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses the topic of tithing.
In this edition of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses a biblical strategy on how to disagree with another person.
In this edition of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses how Christians should respond to the phrase "Let's Go Brandon."
In this episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath discusses how Christians should respond to abuse allegations.
In this first episode of Marked by Grace, Pastor Heath talks about how Christians should respond to fallen pastors in ministry.
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