86 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Månadsvis
On this podcast I´m sharing my revelations on the Fathers love, the new covenant & the finished work of Christ. This is a revelatory podcast, so the episodes are presented in a devotional & prophetic style, where I simply share what I’ve seen in the heart of the Father.
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In the New Covenant, we have been given an ever increasing faith. This has happened because Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He now shares His faith with us and because of this, lack of faith is never our problem anymore. We simply need more revelation of the Father's love and the finished work of Christ. Faith is not a religious work or positive self-talk. It is simply a manifestation of the life of Christ through us!
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Brokenness and humility is the way forward in the Kingdom of God. Our royal dignity as the Father's sons and daughters is meant to be revealed through our humility. God leads us through seasons of brokenness to conform us into the image of Christ. That will lead ro humility. When we humble ourselves before the Father, He will lift us up and reward us greatly and richly!
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We have been ordained by the Father as ministers of the New Covenant. The only credentials we need is that we are doing what we see the Father doing, by allowing Jesus to express His life through us. Religion always build hierachal and formal authority, but in the Kingdom of God, only relational authority expressed through self-giving love works. This is how the children of God is partnering with Christ to spread the love of the Father!
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In the New Covenant, all ministry is about Jesus revealing and expressing His life through us. We no longer live for Christ. Instead, He now lives His life through us. Our calling is to allow Jesus to be everything that He wants to be and express through us. We never have to wonder about our calling... we just need to let the life of Christ flow through us!
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We are a new creation in Christ. By knowing who we are in Christ, we discover what our sonship looks like. In this episode, we look at how the new creation realities define our sonship and the blessings that we have received in Christ. There is a lot of healing and restoration to be found in discovering who we are in Him!
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Jesus walked in the power of the Holy Spirit and demonstrated what it looks like when a fully mature son of God walks in his inheritance. Through the indwelling Christ, that same anointing is available for us today. The anointing of sonship is described in Luke 4:18-19 and Isa. 61. In this episode, we learn more about the anointing of our sonship and how Jesus expresses His very own life through us!
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Jesus became like us, to make us like Him. This means that we are now our Father's beloved children. He is well-pleased with us and He pours His favor over us. This is the foundation for our sonship. When we embrace this reality, we can start to manifest our inheritance as sons and daughters. However, the way to the full manifestation of the Father's promises will bring us through trials in the wilderness.
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We have been placed as sons with the full rights and privileges that is part of our inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit transforms us by pouring the Father's love into our hearts, so that we can begin to walk in the full blessing of this reality. We are in the process of discovering our identity as the Father's beloved children, and the Holy Spirit is our helper on this journey!
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In this episode, we continue our study of the bride of the Lamb and the Holy City. The heavenly Jerusalem is a prophetic picture of the new creation. By studying this Holy City, we find many glorious new creation realities, that provides a lot of healing and restoration to us. We are the Bride of the Lamb & the City of God that have been called to steward His glory and bring healing to the nations!
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We are the bride of the Lamb and in the book of Revelation we find that the bride is also a city. The heavenly Jerusalem provides a prophetic picture of the new creation. By studying this Holy City, we find many glorious new creation realities that provides a lot of healing and restoration to us. We are the Bride of the Lamb & the City of God that have been called to steward His glory and bring healing to the nations!
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The love of God is a fire that sets us ablaze with a holy passion. When we abide in His love, our hearts will be warm and tender, so that we can grow in Christlikeness. If we forget to abide in His love, our heart grows cold and we will be trapped in legalism. Jesus wants to baptize us in the fire of the Father's love everyday. Receiving that love is our main calling!
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The fruit of the Spirit & and the beatitudes reveals the character of the Lamb. When we abide in the love of the Father, the character of the Lamb is formed in us. In this way, we extend the Kingdom, not only by the power of Christ but in the humility and self-giving love of Christ as well. As that happens, Jesus will shine forth through our lives, so that the world can see Christ through us.
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Jesus is the Lamb of God, who shepherds us in meekness and grace. His character looks like the fruit of the Spirit. He creates a culture where the weak, broken and wounded are healed and restored again. In comparison, religious and worldly power is all about dominating and oppressing people into obedience. The beast in the book of Revelation is a prophetic picture of this. But when we're rooted and grounded in the love of Christ, Jesus will shine forth in every area of our lives, and many people will be healed and set free.
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Jesus is the Lamb of God. He has been given all power and authority in the universe, but He rules in grace and humility. Jesus is the Lamb that shepherds His people, and He leads us into the heart of the Father, where we are healed, restored & comformed into the image of the Lamb.
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Jesus is our good and faithful Shepherd, who heals us from every wound of religion. Being shepherded by religious spirits and doctrines of legalism damages our hearts. It oppresses and damages the Bride. But our Father delivers us from religious yokes and burdens. He restores our souls and provides true rest for our hearts!
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Our heavenly Father elected and called us, purely based on His goodness and grace. Because of this, He will never give up on us. Jesus is our faithful bridegroom and friend, who remains faithful to us, even when we fail or mess up. In this episode, we look at these wonderful truths, by pulling some powerful revelations from the book of Hosea.
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God is good. Jesus is the good Shepherd and our Father is the best Father in the universe. He surrounds us with His goodness and He wants us to enjoy the full benefits of living in the New Covenant. God is good all the time and heaven is open over us all the time. Let´s enjoy the full benefits of every blessing that Jesus poured out over us through the cross!
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The Father has always been pursuing us with His love. He surrounds us and lavishes us with His lovingkindness. As we surrender to His love, we will be set free from shame and rejection. We are restored into our identity and destiny as we learn to abide in the love of the Father!
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Jesus has anointed our heads with fresh oil, and we have been sent by the Father to preach the good news. We are anointed with the delivering and healing power of Jesus Christ, to extend the Kingdom of God and demonstrate the heart of the Father. We are never left to fulfill our calling in our own strength, but we have received the strenght and ability of the Holy Spirit to bring the life of Christ to the world!
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The finished work of Jesus is our delicious feast that gives us life. We are sustained by partaking of Christ, while drinking the love of the Father until we overflow. The Father prepares a table in front of our enemies. As we sit down at His table to feast on the finished work of Jesus Christ the enemy has to flee. This is our strategy to overcome in every spiritual battle. Jesus has defeated the devil and we stand in His victory!
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When we have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, or when we find ourselves in a wilderness season, it is encouraging to know that we never walk alone. Our heavenly Father is always walking with us. His authority gives peace to us, His strenght energizes us and His love comforts us. We will come through every dark season in life more blessed and a little more Christlike than before. The valley of the shadow of death comes with a lot of potential for transformation and increased blessing!
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Our Good Shepherd leads us in the righteous path. Jesus said that His sheep knows His voice and the Holy Spirit has written the will of God in our hearts. For this reason, we can rest in Christ and be completely confident that our Father has the ability to lead us in the right path. In the New Covenant, all of us can know the heart of the Father!
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When we are tired and have to walk through seasons of tribulation and pain, our Father has not forgotten us. He walks together with us to energize us and to increase our strenght. The good news of the gospel is that God doesn't need our efforts. Instead, we can rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ. He comforts, strenghtens, and helps us through every trial. Our fellowship with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is our oasis of healing and restoration!
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Our Father wants to lead us into a place of rest in His love. There we find true peace, and in His presence we´re revived and refreshed. Jesus is our good shepherd who leads us in gentleness and humility. He is also our best friend and our fierce protector. Through our union with Him, we find inner fulfillment and healing for all our wounds.
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Our God is an endless fountain of comfort and encouragement. As children of God, we never have to carry our pain and sorrows alone. It is vital that we learn to come to the Father to receive comfort and encouragement from Him. Life becomes a heavy burden when we face the pain within this world without finding any comfort. But as we find comfort and encouragement in our union with Jesus, we can receive life as the gift that God always meant it to be.
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God is not ashamed of our weaknesses and He is not afraid of our mess. In fact, our brokenness is His greatest possibility and when we give our weakness to Him, the power of Jesus Christ will rest upon us. His grace will always be enough for us, and His strenght is made perfect in our weakness.
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We are united with Jesus and as we are receiving strenght from Him, we´ll be able to resist every spiritual attack. We are commanded to put on the full armor of God. Because every part of the armor actually refers to Jesus Himself, this commandment simply means to rest in Him. Humble trust in the finished work of Christ is our victory!
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There is a deep connection between a childlike heart and spiritual authority. Because our Father is a big God, we can be His little children who carries great spiritual authority. Humility and teachability is always the patheway to influence in the Kingdom of God, because it is ruled by grace and the self-giving love of Jesus Christ.
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Every human being has a need to be seen, loved and embraced. That need is being met as we learn to abide in the love of the Father. Knowing Him restores our identity as sons and daughters, so that we can live out of our identity in Christ. As the Holy Spirit pours the love of God into our heart, His approval and favor becomes our foundation for life. We are His beloved sons and daughters!
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God is the Father of mercy and the God of all comfort. Jesus loves mercy and looks for opportunities to restore the one who have failed or fallen into sin. Since we are created in the image of Christ, we are called to reflect the heart of the Father by loving mercy and to restore fallen brothers and sisters in a spirit of gentleness. That is how we fulfill the law of Christ!
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Having the ability to dream with God is closely associated to having a childlike heart. Children are good at dreaming of the future. It comes naturally to them. Many people lose the ability to dream when they grow up, but when we learn to live loved by the Father, that ability is restored once again. The Holy Spirit fills our heart with the dreams ofe heaven, making us Kingdom visionaries and dreamers.
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Jesus redefines greatness in a radical way. He shows us that greatness in the Kingdom of God looks like repenting to become like a child, with a teachable and humble heart. That is the pathway into maturity and a deeper revelation of the heart of the Father. In the Kingdom of God, we grow up by growing down and becoming like a child. This sets us free to enjoy the glorious freedom of the sons and daughters of God!
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The christian life is both easy and impossible. It is impossible if we try to live for God, but it´s easy if we give up and allow Jesus to live it through us. His indwelling presence is an oasis that refreshes us, and as we learn to live by His life we can move to the unforced rythms of grace. As we learn to allow Jesus to live His life through us, we are delivered from religious burdens and our christian lives becomes restful and fruitful. It´s all about learning to relax and Watch What Jesus Does!
When we were born again, the Holy Spirit was richly poured out over us through Jesus Christ. We are empowered and anointed with the same power and authority that rested upon Jesus, so that we can do the same works that He did. You are not powerless and broken anymore. The Father has raised you up, and He has anointed you with the same anointing that rested upon Jesus. The life of Christ is now your blueprint, because you are anointed to heal all who have been oppressed by the devil, because God is with you.
We have been made overcomers in Christ. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above every demonic power, and we rule and reign with Christ. Through His love we overcome in every spiritual battle we face, and every challenge we meet. His demonstrated love is our glorious triumph.
We are made whole through the redemptive work of Christ. Jesus has purchased healing for the whole man, and He is the kind guardian that lovingly watches over our souls to bring us into total wholeness and restoration. We no longer need to search for freedom and healing. We find all the freedom, healing, and restoration we need by abiding in the Father's love.
In the New Covenant, Jesus Himself is our sanctification. We have already been made holy and complete in Christ, and the grace of God teaches us to live out of our new nature. As we live in fellowship with Jesus, His presence sanctifies us. Transformation and a holy lifestyle is always a work of grace. This truth liberates us from religious burdens and the impossible task of trying to fix ourselves. The good news is that we have already been perfected in Christ!
In this episode we are looking at how we have been raised to a new life of sonship together with Christ. Because of this, sin no longer has any power over us. Instead the grace of God rule and reigns in our lives. Jesus has delivered us from sin-conciousness and false guilt, so that we can live a life of freedom and boldness together with the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We continue our teaching called New Creation Therapy. In this episode we explore how the Father has blessed us in Christ, and how we are now holy and perfected in Him. When we get a revelation of this, we are set free from guilt and shamebased identity. The Father has made us totally new in Christ!
It´s finally time for another season on this Podcast, and this season we will focus on a theme that I call "Inner Healing & The New Creation". As we get to know and embrace our new identity in Christ, we find healing, restoration, freedom and the abundant life that Jesus has promised. In the first episode of this series, I lay the foundation by sharing some important truths about our identity, as well as how knowing that we are the Father´s chosen and beloved children brings healing and restoration at the deepest levels of our soul.
We have chosen to do another replay from an earlier season. This teaching was first posted in 2020, but it´s still very relevant right now.
God is love, and Christ expressed that love through his life by giving himself for the world. When we encounter the Father´s love we are set free from ourselves so that His love can flow more and more freely through us in a life of humility and vulnerability. True ministry in the kingdom of God is always motivated by self giving love.
Since the fall man has been conditioned to live as orphans, but Jesus came to reveal the Father and bring us back home. We are no longer orphans but our Father´s beloved children. Right now we are on a journey to be restored from our orphan ways to embrace a life as heirs of God
This episode is a replay of one of the most beloved episodes from previous seasons, and it is one of the subjects that I really enjoy teaching. The Kingdom of God belongs to little children, and when Jesus describes greatness in the eyes of God, He calls us to childlikeness. He shows us how we grow up by growing down. Spiritual growth means staying small, letting go of prestige and false ambitions, enjoying a life of childlike wonder with the Father.
My book, Transformed by the Grace of God, is available both as a book and in digital version. You can buy it here:
In Sweden: https://www.bod.se/bokshop/transformed-by-the-grace-of-god-martin-reen-9789180078184
International customers: https://www.amazon.com/Transformed-Grace-God-fruitfulness-Christlikeness/dp/9180078184/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1642398084&sr=8-1
My book is also available, both as a book and as digital version in many other online bookstores. If you search for it, you will find it. I hope and pray that it will bless you!
We live in a time and a culture that is full of fear and anxiety. But the love of God casts out all fear, and it produces peace and joy. As we embrace our identity as righteous and holy children of God, we can live in peace and joy even in challenging times.
My book, Transformed by the Grace of God, is available both as a book and in digital version. You can buy it here:
In Sweden: https://www.bod.se/bokshop/transformed-by-the-grace-of-god-martin-reen-9789180078184
International customers: https://www.amazon.com/Transformed-Grace-God-fruitfulness-Christlikeness/dp/9180078184/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1642398084&sr=8-1
My book is also available, both as a book and as digital version in many other online bookstores. If you search for it, you will find it. I hope and pray that it will bless you!
By the wounds of Jesus Christ healing has been provided for all of us, and the Father loves to heal and restore broken hearts. God has never been ashamed of us or angry with our brokenness and the messes that we have created in life. We can always come to Jesus with our broken hearts, knowing that He will have compassion with us and bring us through a process of healing and restoration.
My book, Transformed by the Grace of God, is available both as a book and in digital version. You can buy it here:
In Sweden: https://www.bod.se/bokshop/transformed-by-the-grace-of-god-martin-reen-9789180078184
International customers: https://www.amazon.com/Transformed-Grace-God-fruitfulness-Christlikeness/dp/9180078184/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1642398084&sr=8-1
My book is also available, both as a book and as digital version in many other online bookstores. If you search for it, you will find it. I hope and pray that it will bless you!
Jesus came to set the captives free, which reveals to us that the Father is very passionate for our freedom. When we are established in the grace of God we can step into the glorious of the children of God and be released from all oppression and everything that has held us in bondage. We have been set free to enjoy and live life to the fullest with Jesus!
My book, Transformed by the Grace of God, is available both as a book and in digital version. You can buy it here:
In Sweden: https://www.bod.se/bokshop/transformed-by-the-grace-of-god-martin-reen-9789180078184
International customers: https://www.amazon.com/Transformed-Grace-God-fruitfulness-Christlikeness/dp/9180078184/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1642398084&sr=8-1
My book is also available, both as a book and as digital version in many other online bookstores. If you search for it, you will find it. I hope and pray that it will bless you!
The christian life is totally impossible to live if we try to do it in our own strenght, but it becomes a life of rest when we allow Christ to live it through us. He is our source of strenght and empowerment and we have the privilege of living by His life.
My book, Transformed by the Grace of God, is available both as a book and in digital version. You can buy it here:
In Sweden: https://www.bod.se/bokshop/transformed-by-the-grace-of-god-martin-reen-9789180078184
International customers: https://www.amazon.com/Transformed-Grace-God-fruitfulness-Christlikeness/dp/9180078184/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1642398084&sr=8-1
My book is also available, both as a book and as digital version in many other online bookstores. If you search for it, you will find it. I hope and pray that it will bless you!
The new episodes of this podcast is finally here. In this season we are going to take a deep dive into the grace of God, and in this episode we are looking at some foundational definitions and applications of grace. The grace of God brings freedom, restoration, healing, and it empowers us to become everything that God has called us to be!
My book, Transformed by the Grace of God, is available both as a book and in digital version. You can buy it here:
In Sweden: https://www.bod.se/bokshop/transformed-by-the-grace-of-god-martin-reen-9789180078184
International customers: https://www.amazon.com/Transformed-Grace-God-fruitfulness-Christlikeness/dp/9180078184/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1642398084&sr=8-1
My book is also available, both as a book and as digital version in many other online bookstores. If you search for it, you will find it. I hope and pray that it will bless you!
As believers we have the privilege of ministering to the heart of the Father. First and foremost we are always called to recieve His love and allowing Him to wash our feets. But our relationship with God is never stativ and when we respond to His love, colaboring and stepping into His creativity it delights His heart. He is a relational Father that enjoyed the times of intimacy that He gets with us. It blesses His heart and it is there new assignments is recieved and our life becomes fruitful.
The Father is always loving on us, and there is such a blessing in being available for Him to have His way in our life. Mary is such an example to us in living available. She said: Let it happen to me as you have said. When we learn to live like that, the love of the Father will bring transformation and Christ will be formed within us.
Talking to people many have described this time of living through a pandemic a wilderness experience in many ways. The bible has a lot to say about the wilderness, and both the Father and satan has a purpose for us in the wilderness. It is a time of learning to live as the beloved. If we respond to the love of the Father in such a season we will be strengthened in our sonship and grow strong in spirit.
We sooner or later learn that we can not overcome our brokenness, sin and temptations in our own strenght, but we are delivered as we keep on recieving from the love of the Father that the Holy Spirit pours into our heart. This is living in the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
In an empire every benefit and all the wealth goes to the center to build up the emperor/leader, but in the Kingdom of God the Father lives by self giving love, joyfully blessing us with the Kingdom and all the promises that comes with it. Ministry is expressed that way, by us letting the generosity, joy and love of the Father flow through us so that the Kingdom can be expanded all over the world.
The love of the Father is our home. Through His love we overcome, And His love is both our foundation and the place where we are rooted and grounded. It is actually what christianity is all about and nothing can separate us from His love.
Love looks like something. The love of the Father transforms our heart attitudes and it will look like the beatitudes. If you look at them thinking that you have to measure up to them you will end up in despair. But once you realize that they will become your heart attitudes as the love of the Father transforms your heart more and more you will find rest in them!
Since the fall of man the world has been one big orphanage. Where does the orphan mentality come from and what is the orphan spirit? I talk about this in this episode and also about how the orphan identity was crucified in Christ. We get healed and restored into sonship by encountering the Fathers love.
When I want to remind myself of how good news the gospel really is I usually goes back to 2 Cor. 3. In this episode I share what I have seen reading that chapter. We live in a greater glory in the ministry of righteousness and life through the Holy Spirit.
Experiencing the love of the Father is a paradigm shift. Just like Joshua and the people of Israel had to walk in ways they had never done before, we also will be led into uncharted territory in our christian life, and many times we are left with the experience that everything has changed, but what do I do now? In this episode I talk about that.
When the Holy Spirit moves in our life we will have dreams and visions because the Holy Spirit loves to reveal the Fathers dreams and plans for us. He does that by impregnating our hearts with dreams and visions. It is really exciting to live out the dreams and visions the Holy Spirit gives!
The love of God builds the structure of our new life. When we live in the flow of the Fathers love our life reveals Jesus. You do not have to struggle to get His love. He has already generously lavished it upon you. That love looks like something. Our life will reveal Jesus as His heart touches people through us.
Jesus lived in the Fathers love and delight for Him and because that was His source of fulfilment He could took the poster of a lowly servant to His disciples and the people He ministered to. As we live out of the Fathers love and delight the ministry of Christ will be expressen through us in the same way. It’s a life of beautiful freedom!
When we walk in the love of the Father, that will transform our motives as we embrace our identity as His children. His heart burns with self giving love and that same motivation will also be what gives us the freedom and authority to serve with the gifts and callings that He has given to us.
Religion needs your efforts to work, and to keep God moving. But the gospel sets us free from the burden of self centered spirituality. The Father promises to strenghten us, help us and to renew our life. And Jesus himself refreshes us when we are tired. It is about Him renewing us.
The Father brings us through different times and season in life as His plans with our life unfolds. That´s why it is important to discern what season you are in, so that you can stay connected to what the Father is doing in your life right now, and embracing the process of being transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.
Men look to external appearances to evaluate people, but the Father looks into our hearts. Like David many of His sons and daughters has been counted out by people because their life has been a mess or because they does not seem to live up to the religious standard. Maybe you are one of them. But the good news is that the Father is much more interested in an open heart, because true transformation always starts there. No matter how your life looks right now, when Jesus has your heart, change is possible.
The gifts of the Spirit is all given by grace, but we can either keep flowing and growing in the gifts and anointing we have been given, or let them be quenched. Just like Paul encouraged Timothy, we are encouraged to stir up the gifts of God within us, and as we keep on receiving the Fathers love this will become our lifestyle.
Spiritual gifts is the love languages of the hply Spirit, and the prophetic is one of the ways that the Father reveals His heart to the world. When we live in the Fathers love we also wants to see other people through His heart and that will lead us into a prophetic lifestyle, as the Father reveals His heart through us.
As we grow in the love of the Father and in the revelation of the finished work of Christ we will also grow in our love for the body of Christ. When we see the church through the eyes of the Father we will see the new creation. Jesus loves His church and He wants to share that love with us so that we can manifest His grace and generosity to one another.
The Father blesses us not because we deserves it, but because He is good. When we learn to live our life in the light of His goodness our life will be filled with gratefulness over His love and goodness. There is no place for competition, jealousy and comparison in the Kingdom of God, because everything is given to us by the grace of God. He truly is a really good Father!
Jesus Christ is heavens resounding yes to us. All of Gods promises has been given to us in Christ. We are called to respond to that by saying yes back to Him. Your yes to Gods will is what will manifest the new life that you have in Christ. When we have a yes to God in us and our hearts are available to Him all things are possible.
Jesus har inte bara avskaffat djävulen för all makt och myndighet, utan också tystat varje anklag som frigör oss från skuld och fördömelse. Den Helige Ande ger övertygelse men han anklagar inte. När vi får uppenbarelser om detta ger det oss mycket frihet och det kommer att hjälpa oss att hålla kontakten med Gud i all kärleksfull nåd som stärker oss och bygger oss upp.
Living free from condemnation is one of the greatest gifts of our new life in Christ. It opens up a totally new future for us full of glorious freedom. This is why Jesus said and still is saying: Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.
On the cross Jesus did such a perfect work that He made you perfectly holy and complete forever. When you see that your life will be transformed. You will find rest, courage and true freedom in the reality of the finished work of Christ.
The Father is a heart to heart God. It is in our hearts that we receive revelation and it is also there that the Holy Spirit pours out the Fathers love. Our hearts are protected and transformed when we stay connected with the love of Christ. Therefore, keep your heart open.
You were seen, chosen and loved by the Father already before He made the world. He created you to be you, and He likes you. When You experience His love and delight, deep healing and restoration takes place.
One of the most encouraging aspects of the grace of God is that it manifests in our weaknesses and turns it into places of Gods strength. We don´t have to try to live our life in our own strength, but have been liberated in Christ to live a life where His grace works through us.
Spiritual disciplines like prayer and reading the Bible was meant to help us stay connected to God, but religion sometimes turns it into a yoke of performance. But as we encounter the grace of God and the Fathers heart, it becomes a place of revelation and life. It is truly life changing and wonderful to stay connected to Christ. His presence transforms us. We are meant to be recognized as people who spends time with Jesus!
Pain sometimes teaches us to close our hearts to protect ourselves, and many people have learnt to live that way. But the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are amazing comforters. And when we learn to receive comfort from heaven we can live authentic lives with open hearts, because we never have to go through any season of life alone anymore.
Humility and childlikeness is the Kingdom lifestyle. Nothing attracts revelation like a humble heart and a childlike embrace of this amazing adventure of living loved by the Father.
We have been created to live in the Fathers love and find our home in His presence. As we learn to live in His love we get liberated and restored into being the sons and daughters we where always meant to be.
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