A motley crew of soldiers, officers, and pilots embarks on a perilous trek through the Afghani desert to find Liam Morales. After learning the direction of the mysterious Black Valley by speaking to tribal leaders in Qluuj Khel, the officers realize they need Hyde’s cooperation and agree to bring her along for the expedition. However, Afghanistan is a land fraught with danger, and it isn’t long before the party finds themselves fighting for their lives. As the threats intensify, Hyde must confront the harsh question: how many of her allies is she willing to sacrifice to find her brother? And what will she do when she finally stands before “The Sleeper” in the heart of the Black Valley?
This episode concludes our playthrough of the scenario “Kali Ghati” by Shane Ivey.
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TRIGGER AND CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence, blood and gore, death, body horror, mental illness, cults. Implied self-harm, Blood, domestic turmoil, profanity, drug abuse, Fictious depiction of the war in Afghanistan, Military-industrial complex, Sexism in the workplace, Real-world Religion, Fake Religion and Cultural practices, Governmental Conspiracy
Translation of ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi in Recap:
Where have you gone?
What did the sands tell you that has set your heart to wander further from home?
There is nothing in this world we cannot conquer together.
Let me help you so we can return to the people we love.
Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this podcast are © Mayday Roleplay, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.
• Lev (they/them) - Rory Lopez, Army Gunner (they/he)
• Amanda (she/her) - Amy “Soups” Campbell, co-pilot (she/her)
• Caleb (he/him) - Agent Pilgrim (he/him)
• Eli (any/all) - Kona “Hyde” Morales, Army Pilot (she/her)
• Zakiya (she/they) - Agent Ice (she/her)
• Sergio (he/him) - The Handler
• Post Sound Supervision: Sergio Crego, Eli Hauschel
• Mixed: Eli Hauschel
• Original Music: Aaron A. Pabst
• Soundstripe (soundstripe.com)
• Glitch Machines (glitchmachines.com/)
• Soundly (getsoundly.com/)
• Delta Green (http://deltagreen.com/)
• Kali Ghati (https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/181675/Delta-Green-Kali-Ghati)
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