Trump’s has returned triumphantly to power, with a vision for a bold new era for America. In contrast, Europe's failing elites huddled together in Davos. But the EU is ready with its response to Trump: a revamped censorship machine.
The first act of the EU has been to revamp the hated Digital Services Act, promising a new "democracy shield" to "protect" EU citizens from views the elites disagree with. But more broadly, they seem set on a host of anti-growth measures.
The attack on freedom and growth, and the reign of environmental policies, is epitomised by their deliberate destruction of the car industry—targeting the mobility and autonomy the automobile symbolises.
While Trump’s vision signals prosperity, freedom, and renewal, Europe doubles down on policies that stifle innovation and crush economic potential. As America reclaims its pioneering spirit, Europe seems content with stagnation and control. Will Europe rise to meet the challenge of America’s resurgence, or will it remain mired in its elite-driven malaise? The stakes couldn’t be higher.
Jacob Reynolds is joined by Mick Hume, editor of and Agnieszka Kolek, MCC Brussels' head of cultural engagement.