Quarantine has challenged us in so many different ways. What are you like when you can't go to work, school, ballparks, theaters, restaurants, vacation spots and all your regular destinations? What part of us emerges when we don't have our usual outlets?
In times like this, one of the most important questions to ask yourself is this: When your physical movements are limited, what happens to your soul? When our usual routines were in place, some of us may have not given our souls much thought. But whether you have been in touch with your soul or not, now is an opportune time to think about and get to know your soul.
What distinguishes your soul from your body? How different are their functions and perspectives? Do they see and experience the world in the same way? Is your soul contained by space and time -- and other parameters -- that limit physical matter? How do we define the parameters of a soul? Can a soul be quarantined? Can it be trapped and enslaved?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson on a fascinating journey -- the journey of a soul, the journey of your soul. Unconfined by the trappings of the body, discover how to unleash the free spirit of your soul and soar to unprecedented heights. Learn how to look at life through the lens of your soul instead of the lens of your body, and, in the process, transform you and everything about you.