How much of our lives do we take for granted? How often do we step back and appreciate the gift of every breath we take and every move we make? Do we recognize the sanctity of every moment and every space we traverse?
Many of us see ourselves as "victims" of time and space -- always trying to beat the clock and maneuver the places we occupy. Can we learn to control space and time instead of them controlling us?
Living life to its fullest means valuing every fiber of our beings -- every second of time and every inch of space. The question is how do we manifest and express that value, in ways that enhance our lives?
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he dissects the anatomy of space and time and teaches us how to master them instead of them mastering us. Discover how to tap into the energy of every moment and location, and harness it toward fulfilling your dreams and aspirations. Find out how to create sacred space in your life.