With high profile celebrity suicides in recent news, this painfully tragic issue has returned to the fore. Perhaps the single most dreaded and shame-filled act, suicide remains one of the darkest deeply hidden secrets in a family's life.
Citing statistics about something so alarming, seems callous and insensitive, yet this unfortunate data can hopefully serve to propel us to action with increased and focused urgency. Facing the devastating facts, that 45,000 people die by suicide each year - and that's only in the USA - should open our eyes and hearts to be more vigilant to the signs of those who are at risk. The annual age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.42 per 100,000 individuals... And this does not even touch upon attempted suicides.
What can we do to stem this tide? What can we do or say to someone with suicidal thoughts or words? How can we help a family member or friend in need?
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he addresses this most distressing issue from both a practical and