Meditera Mera – En podcast om meditation från Mindfully
Loch Kelly is a licensed psychotherapist and recognized leader in the field of meditation and awakening. He’s the author of the books The Way of Effortless Mindfulness and Shift Into Freedom. He also has his own app called Mindful Glimpses in which he teaches effortless mindfulness, and to which Axel has translated a few glimpses to Swedish. In this episode we speak about amongst other topics:
For more information about Loch, please visit Follow this link to get a special offer for Loch’s app Mindful Glimpses.
Meditera Mera är en podcast från Mindfully, Sveriges meditationsapp. Du som lyssnar på vår podd får prova Mindfully kostnadsfritt i 30 dagar. Starta din provperiod på vår hemsida och hämta appen i App Store eller på Google Play. Gäller bara nya användare.
För mer information om Mindfully, besök vår hemsida