It's time to be a colorguard for tha metal marching band of Sepultura as we fly tha flag of NATION...their FINAL album for Roadrunner Records, released 20 years ago in 2001.
This is tha 2nd release with current vocalist Derrick Green and would set tha tone for tha future of tha band as his various unique vocal styles and songwriting methods would more seamlessly meld with Sepultura riffage and rhythms we knew before!
When Nation was released Sepultura toured on it with Flybanger, Primer 55, Hatebreed, & PUYA.
Puya are without a doubt one of tha most skilled, diverse, and underrated bands of tha era & their album UNION also turns 20 this year! Union...Nation. I'm about to open an embassy.
So Puya Patriarch Ramon Ortiz was kind enough to take tha time to reflect on making Union and, of course, touring with Sepultura!
This is one of tha more unique records in Sepultura's catalog and in retrospect ahead of its' time. From tha guest features to tha artwork by Charleston, SC's own Shepard Fairey it really stands apart visually and sonically.
Frontman Derrick Green reflects on what this album was then and what it means today.
NATION is a part of tha newly released bosses SEPULNATION featuring all of tha studio album from 98 to 2009 which you can get on beautiful compact disc and even more beautiful vinyl disc.