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CREEPIN' 'n MEEPIN' this week with Cortland, NY's favorite sons: SHANK 456.Originally known as Creeper, they had to change their name due to another Creeper existing. 3 years later...another Shank would too!I talk to Scooch from tha band about tha industrial tinged, hardcore-inspired bar room brawl rock 'n roll of their '95 album "The Big Payback" & tha roller coaster of being on tha Big Bird.Coyote Corner: downset. bassist James Morris!James, in addition to writing basslines I learned in my room 20 years ago, toured with SHELTER during their Mantra era. Downset. has come up multiple times on tha show so it was great to corner him about it. Get it? Corner?
Face Your EarsExplore home recording and music creation with Rich and Justin on 'Face Your Ears'!
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