Most Zeteo subscribers are already well-aware of Project 2025 and its anti-democratic agenda. But what a lot of people aren’t aware of is all the billionaire oligarchs who are using dark money to fund it.
David Sirota, host of ‘The Lever’s’ new podcast series Master Plan, joins Mehdi to explain what these groups have to gain from Project 2025, and how they’ve become so successful when it comes to thwarting democracy and its’ rules.
“In a one person, one vote democracy, it's much harder for oligarchs and corporations to pass the unpopular, self-enriching policies they want,” Sirota tells Mehdi. “They need to use the thing that they have the most of – money – to rig that and short circuit that process.”
Watch the full conversation above to hear Sirota explain what his new investigative podcast series, “Master Plan,” has revealed about dark money, buying elections, and just how dangerous Project 2025 could be.
Also, check out The Lever’s “Master Plan” on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!