Welcome back to Mentally Flexible! My guest today is Dr. Menije Boduryan-Turner. Dr. Menije is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in California. While Dr. Menije has experience in a number of different clinical areas, she has made perfectionism a main area focus of her work. Dr. Menije as a beautiful way of using her own life experience to inform her work as a psychologist.
In this episode we explore:
- Dr. Menije’s immigration to America from Turkey as a teenager
- How this led to self stories of inadequacy
- Her process of integrating socially and navigating cultural differences
- How this shifted family dynamics
- We explore how the root of perfectionism and how it manifests in many different ways
- How perfectionist thinking gets in the way of goals and New Year’s resolutions
- How perfectionism connects to OCD and Imposter Syndrome
- The impact of perfectionism on relationships
Learn more about Dr. Menije and her course on perfectionism https://embracingyoutherapy.com/course-for-perfectionism/
Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.menije/
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Check out my song “Glimpse at Truth” that you hear in the intro/outro of every episode. https://tomparkes.bandcamp.com/track/glimpse-at-truth