Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family
“The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.” ~ Pope Benedict XVI
Men today can’t do anything right. The world has taken the idea of masculinity and distorted it to the point that it is barely recognizable from the ideal man celebrated one hundred years ago. As dynamic Catholics living in this time, we want to celebrate men and encourage them to reclaim their true identity and realize who God created them to be - fully using their gifts and masculine qualities to serve others. In this podcast, we use the apostolic letter “Into the Breach” written by Bishop Olmsted of Phoenix, AZ to put forward and answer three questions - What does it mean to be a Catholic man? How do men love? And why is fatherhood so crucial?
Referenced in this episode:The Apostolic Exhortation: Into the Breach
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