Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family
Our parents made us sisters, but God made us friends.
One of the greatest blessings of Alicia’s life is that God gave her 9 brothers and sisters to laugh, play, fight, create, and pray with most of her life! This conversation is from a girls getaway weekend with the five Doman sisters. Now, because all the Doman siblings are practicing Catholics in good relationship with each other and their parents, people may put them in a category of “the perfect Catholic family”. But that is far from true. As you will hear, each one of these sisters has lived through tragedies and difficulties that were completely unexpected and not chosen by them at all. It is by God’s grace that each one of them has grown into the woman God is calling her to be and it is through that relationship with Christ, as well as the accident of birth, that we are able to have true sisterhood together. Listen in as we talk about God’s faithfulness through the difficulties of life and how true sisterhood with those in your family and friends are essential to our survival.
Key Takeaways
Life is not always easy, but God is near
We can learn from those who God gives us, even when they are different from us. Don’t get frustrated by differences, embrace them!
When we are joined together by common faith in Christ, we can develop true friendships
Couple Discussion Questions
What relationships can we invest more in to develop sisterhood and brotherhood?
Are we happy with our relationships with our siblings? Why or why not? What can we change about this?
How does sharing values with others change us?