Welcome to Middle-earth in Mercia, a podcast for fans of Games Workshop’s Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. Join Sonny & Ash, and guests, as they share their hobby journey, from tournament novices to seasoned veterans. Whether you’re looking for hobby tips, tournament reviews, list building advice, or just some fun and banter, this is the podcast for you.
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The podcast Middle-earth In Mercia | MESBG Podcast is created by Middle-earth In Mercia. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Middle-earth In Mercia is hosting it's 2nd tournament in collaboration with Venator Tabletop Gaming.
This time using a unique special rule to simulate night fighting.
Join us as we talk about what's coming for the show, preview the event, look at some lists. Talk about the new edition. And reveal the scenarios and order.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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Sonny & Ash sit down for a good old catch up. Join us as we share our thoughts on how the game has unfolded over the last 2 months.Joint he Discord
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
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Here is our event coverage from our first ever tournament 19/01/25. Included is interviews with the players throughout the day, some time lapse of the top table at the end of the day and interviews with the overall winner of the event as well as Jon the co-owner of Venator. Thank you to everyone who has been patient for this footage, unfortunately sickness has caused a large delay and then some editing issues. Music used, In Dreams, all credit and ownership Scott Buckley, used via www.chosic.com as license free.
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Links to all out content can be found here.
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Middle-earth In Mercia is hosting it's first ever tournament in collaboration with Venator Tabletop Gaming. Join us as we talk about what's coming for the show, preivew the event, look at some lists. Talk about the new edition. And reveal the scenarios and order.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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We've our hands on the new edition of MESBG, join us for our overview of everything you can expect from the launch box and the new rules. - Hands on with the new edition - Review of the new rules and launch box - Channel and podcast updates
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Today we do a deep dive on the Dunland profiles included in the War Of The Rohirrim launch box for the new edition of MESBG. At the end we also have a bit of a chat about our thoughts on the coming release and edition overall Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
Today we do a deep dive on the Rohan profiles included in the War Of The Rohirrim launch box for the new edition of MESBG. Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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Want to know what all the buzz is about surrounding the current rules leaks awash across the internet. Join us as we delve into Elrond Of Rivendell's new profile. Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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Leaks, leaks and more leaks. Information is abound across the internet of the content we can expect in the new MESBG rule book, join as us we delve into some of the information out there.
We will be covering:
- New unit designations
- The new intelligence characteristic and how it works.
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Links to all out content can be found here.
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Games Workshop have announced for the first time in the history of MESBG that a large number of Miniatures and profiles will be going off sale and moved to legacies. Find the full list here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/vozvvb0g/middle-earthtm-strategy-battle-game-the-upcoming-range-update-explained/ Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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New models, new edition. The Launch box for the new edition of MESBG has been announced, join us to look through all the contents of this new box and chat about what we can and hope to expect. Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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Yet another announcement of new models from Games Workshop, join us as we discuss the very first model announced for the new edition and the film tie in War Of The Rohirrim.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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Explosive news has hit the Middle-earth Strategy Battle game, a new edition is coming to the game at the end of 2024. Join Sonny & Ash as well as Great Bear Gaming's James Patterson for a special reaction episode to all of the very current news on what awaits the game. Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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A packed episode 4 brings more new models and announcements than we have seen for years for MESBG. A new supplement, new factions, new warriors, new heroes, new rules. We have shamans, monsters and even werewolves. Watch our latest video episode to find out everything we can expect from MESBG in the next release later this year.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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Episode 19 - Mini Madness
Sonny & Ash continue to attend GBHL events, this episode playing an impressive 7 games in one day at the lowest points level they have ever played, 200 points.
This episode also sees a return on an old segment in a new form...
Topic of conversation: "Is the friendly GBHL 80 dead?" listen in to hear more and give your own opinion. Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all our content can be found here.
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Episode 3 of our video based Short episode series continues.
We have new rumours, new models, new rules. Find out about Earnur, "The Last King Of Gondor" and what this could mean for the expected supplement due to be released at the end of the year.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
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Episode 18 - WHW Doubles 2024
Sonny & Ash return to where it all began for Middle-earth In Mercia, Warhammer World Doubles.
Find out about one of our most ambitious hobby projects ever, with our combined doubles force and display board.
What do we think of the event having now attended many more tournaments? Listen in to find out how we got on.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all our content can be found here.
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Our second Mercian Short, a new format for the podcast for content that maybe doesn't quite fit into our full episodes. This is a video enhanced series, which may not be available on all platforms, but the episode still has plenty of content for our Audio only listeners. In this episode we give a big update on all the MESBG reveals which have occurred since our episode where a source informed us that the next release would be Angmar and Arnor based...
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
Supporting the podcast We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes.
Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar. If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
Episode 17 - Journey Across Rohan
Sonny attends his first GBHL 90 event of the year, a second outing for the Witch King & Suladan alliance and a different points level of 500.
This is also our first ever event at Black Dragon Miniatures in Hinckley so join us for our tournament review to hear how these new TOs have got on as they are hosting tournaments throughout the year.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
Supporting the podcast We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes.
Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar. If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
Episode 16 - A Burned Hand Teaches Best
Season 3 moves forward as we kick off our 2024 tournament season with our first event. Sonny & Ash both attend a GBHL80 escalation event at Board In Brum, in Walsall.
We also find the time to catch up with our correspondence from listeners and lay out our plans for Season 3 and the year to come. Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Links to all out content can be found here.
Supporting the podcast We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes.
Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar. If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
A Burned Hand Teaches Best - Tournament Preview - GBHL80
Episode is Audio only on non-Spotify platforms, but can be found in full on Youtube.
We are aware that the video has failed for about 95% of the episode, apologies, new set up for us. Slides can be found at this link to accompany the audio that is not properly displaying video. Sonny & Ash are joined by tournament organiser Thomas Smith and Great Bear Gaming's James Patterson to do a Tournament preview of this Sundays GBHL80 Tournament held at Board In Brum
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected] We take you through general stats of the list, our own lists in detail as well have review a few (more or less randomly) selected lists from other attendees to discuss. Check out James' content here.
Supporting the podcast We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes. If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar. Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
Episode 15 - Unveiling The Journey: A Hobby Interview With James Patterson Welcome back, dear listeners! and today marks the exciting kick-off of Season 3. We're diving into a format that harks back to Season 1—hobby interviews—but with a fresh twist. Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
Special Guest: Joining us today is none other than James Patterson—a GBHL player, tournament organizer, and a key member of Goldilocks and the Great bears GBHL team. James wears many hats, including hosting his own YouTube channel under Great Bear Gaming. Hobby History: James takes us on a journey through his hobby timeline—from early days to adulthood. But why does he dedicate a substantial chunk of his hobby time to the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game (MESBG) Tournament Organizer Insights: James spills the beans on his tournament organizing. How many events has he orchestrated, and what wisdom can he share with aspiring TOs? Approach to the Game: As a player and TO, James wears dual hats. What motivates him? Is it the joy of the hobby, a day of friendly competition, or to challenge himself? We will also delve into the social contract—the unwritten rules of goodwill at the tabletop. Great Bear Gaming Channel: What’s the story behind Great Bear Gaming? Where can you find James’s content? Content Creation Insights: James, as a hobby “content creator,” spills the beans on his YouTube journey. What motivated him to start a channel? And for those considering their own channels, advice. And there you have it, folks! An episode brimming with conversation, MESBG insights and advice. Remember to follow James’s adventures on his channel.
Supporting the podcast We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes. If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar. Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
Episode 14 - Ash: From Brush To Battlefields
In this episode, we welcome back our co-host, Ash, who returns after a brief hiatus. The conversational duo format is back, and we dive deep into Ash’s journey through the world of Games Workshop’s Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.
Contact us at [email protected]
The Rookie Year: Ash recounts his first year in the hobby—from assembling his unpainted army to stepping onto the tournament battlefield. How has he evolved as a player? Tune in for strategic and tactical insights, especially valuable for new players.
Learning the Ropes: We explore Ash’s experiences with different army lists, scenarios, and the intricacies of the game. What pitfalls should new players avoid? We’ve got tips!
Tournament Debut: Ash shares advice for fellow newcomers venturing into their first tournaments. Learn from his typical mistakes and discover how to sidestep them.
Sportsmanship and Social Contracts: We reflect on fair play, goodwill, and the unwritten rules that shape our gaming experiences. Even in tough luck games, the right opponent can turn it into a memorable match.
GBHL 80, 90, and 100s: Ash’s take on these tournaments and how they fit into the journey of a new player. Plus, a peek into the social side of the hobby.
Meta Shifts: Should MESBG introduce themed secondary objectives? We discuss cost-effective ways to keep the meta fresh without new models.
2024 Goals: Ash’s competitive aspirations, local gaming club plans, and the armies he’s eyeing for 2023.
Casual vs. Competitive: Can you learn from relaxed, theme games as a competitive player? We explore the fun side of the hobby.
GBHL Insights: Ash shares his impressions as a new player, including thoughts on rules enforcement and the Stephen Box interview. Extreme sportsmanship, anyone?
Join us for an engaging chat that combines passion, strategy, and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced hobbyist, there’s something here for everyone.
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If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
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Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
Episode 13 - Unlucky For Some (2023 Review) In this episode, we look back at the year 2023 and how it affected our podcast, the MESBG community, and the tournaments we attended. We also share our thoughts on the GBHL and the support (or lack thereof) from the game developers. Plus, we revisit some of the topics we covered in previous episodes, such as 3D printed miniatures and Chaos in Arda-con. Tune in to hear our honest opinions, experiences, and predictions for the future of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. Contact us at [email protected] Watch the Dice Breaker - Stephen Box discussion
Check out the Half Trolls Supporting the podcast We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes. If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar. Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
Episode 12 - If In Doubt, Always Follow Your Nose.
Join us on our latest venture to a GBHL 90 Event.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected]
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Episode 11 - Chaos In Arda-Con
Episode 11 is dedicated to talking about the recent controversy in the Ardacon Singles/Team championship. As well as a wider discussion on sportsmanship, fairplay and rules enforcement at tournaments and within the GBHL.
Join the conversation by contacting us at [email protected] Episode Breakdown
00.00.30 Introduction
00.07.42 Controversy
00.47.28 How it was handled, Thoughts, Conclusions
Supporting the podcast We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes. If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar. Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
Episode 10 - The Two Towers Of Grantham
Episode 10 sees Sonny & Ash travel to Grantham for Nathan Talbot's second of his trilogy of LOTR-framed events. A GBHL 80 one dayer. We catch up on correspondence, cover last episode's poll and Q&A.
Contact us at [email protected]
Episode Breakdown
00.00.28 Introduction
00.05.52 Correspondence
00.20.01 Event & Lists
00.49.06 Tournament02.23.06 Tournament Review
02.45.37 Poll, Q&A
03.09.58 Quick chat, Next Episode & End
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If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
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Merry Christmas and welcome to the Seventh Episode of the Middle-earth In Mercia Podcast. The very delayed saga of Sonny’s time at the Ardacon Doubles Tournament that took place in early August In Manchester UK. Sometimes the best stories are worth the wait as this is our longest episode ever. The culmination of Middle Earth In Mercia’s season 1 and aim for the year. Join us for our longest ever episode.
Contact us at [email protected]
Episode Breakdown
00.00.00 Optional Explanation Of Where The Podcast Has Been
00.06.30 Introduction
00.20.44 Paul (Doubles Teammate) Hobby History
00.36.30 The Army Lists
00.41.41 Day 1 Break Down
01.08.29 Day 2 Morning
01.11.02 Day 2 Lunch Time
01.22.42 The Morning After Day 2
01.31.48 Reflection, Quick Recap And End Position
01.37.58 Detailed Post Tournament Assessment Of Army List
01.47.44 In Depth Review Of Ardacon As An Event
02.09.59 Ardacon Review Summary
02.16.06 Final Thoughts, The Future And Close Out
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If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
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Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
The Sixth Episode of the Middle-earth In Mercia Podcast. This week is an update on hobby progress while taking a look at a couple of the most recent Middle-earth news stories.
Contact us at [email protected]
Episode Breakdown
00.00.28 Introduction
00.05.00 Hobby Update
00.29.55 MESBG Releases
01.11.36 Rings Of Power
01.36.45 Final thoughts, Next Time And Close Out
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If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
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Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
The Fifth Episode of the Middle-earth In Mercia Podcast. This week focuses on the long awaited Warhammer World Middle Earth Doubles event held at the end of July. Chris joins me for our first ever wargaming tournament event. I take you through the (mostly) ups of our first tournament as well as the downs. A special thanks to the organisers of the tournament, our opponents and of course my doubles partner Chris.
Contact us at [email protected]
Episode Breakdown
00.00.30 Introduction And Correspondence
00.14.50 Live At The Event
00.16.05 The Night And Morning Before
00.26.56 Day 1 (Games 1, 2, 3)
00.44.41 Day 2 Lunch (Game 4)
00.47.33 Day 2 (Games 5, 6)
Post Event
01.02.12 Results Summary
01.11.31 Lessons Learned
01.40.16 Final thoughts, Next Time And Close Out
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If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar.
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The Fourth Episode of the Middle-earth In Mercia Podcast. This week we have a bumper episode, a list of firsts for the Podcast. We review my current WHW Doubles list with an in depth discussion of the contents, strategies and tactics. We have a new segment which you will have to listed to find out what it entails with a full breakdown and thoughts on lessons learned. Hobby and Practice game updates and a major update to preparations for Ardacon. No news or releases this week so we finish talking about the future Podcast release schedule and what the next 6-7 weeks that remain of season 1 will hold. Enjoy the extra content as the next episode will be in 3 weeks this time.
Contact us at [email protected]
Episode Breakdown
00.00.27 Introduction And Correspondence
Main Topics
00.08.27 WHW Doubles Army List Review
00.35.06 Build Up
00.45.57 Something Something Battle
00.57.10 Interviews, Breakdown And Thoughts
01.14.33 Hobby Update And Ardacon Prep/Update
01.36.06 Summary, The Future And Closeout
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If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar.
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The third episode of the Middle-earth In Mercia Podcast. This week we have an unfortunate update, discuss hobby progress including some minor tips on assembly, the group's progression, our latest practice game and review a submitted Harad list. We close out the episode talking about the now released Dragon Emperor & his Black Dragons as well as this week's pre-orders. We finish by musing on the hopefully bright future of the podcast.
Contact us at [email protected]
Episode Breakdown
00.00.28 Introduction, Bad News And Correspondence
00.12.56 Main Topics (Hobby, Group Progress, Practise games, Doubles List, Ardacon Prep)
00.48.19 Releases & News
00.53.25 The Future & Closeout
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If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
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Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
The second episode of the Middle-earth In Mercia Podcast. This week we review contact from listeners, discuss hobby progress and practice games. As well as introduce a new voice in Ash, where we interview on his hobby history, talk about starting out in MESBG and painting tips. We then finish off the episode talking about all the Defence Of The North releases.
Contact us at [email protected]
Episode Breakdown
00.00.24 Introduction and correspondence*
00.07.45 Main Topics (Hobby, Practise games, WIP on doubles list, Ardacon Prep)
00.47.19 Chat with Ash
01.07.07 End (Releases and closeout)
* Unfortunately, I left my microphone on the desk rather than pinned to me, so for the first sections Sonny's voice is a little echoey and low quality. This ends at 00.07.45 and does not reoccur.
Supporting the podcast
We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes.
If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar.
Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
The first ever episode of the Middle-earth in Mercia podcast.
Contact us at [email protected]
Episode Breakdown
0-21.50 What is the podcast and introduction of Sonny
21.50-25 Introduction of Chris
25-54.22 Main talking points
- Why didn’t we do this earlier
- Hesitations about tournaments
- Our Army Choice
- Ambitions
- Practice games
54.22-1.08.43 New model releases (as of 07/05/22)
1.08.43-End Missing points and several endings
Supporting the podcast
We appreciate your support and feedback. Please help us grow by telling your friends about us, following and reviewing us on your podcast provider of choice, and following us on our Facebook page where we post photos and extras related to our episodes.
If you’d like to support us further, please use our Element Games referral link
Or, if you’d like to buy us a coffee, please visit our tip jar.
Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Middle-earth in Mercia.
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